2020-2021 逸曌Helius

The 34th Students’ Union:

The word Helius represents our goals. During these turbulent times, we would like to bring every rising star in TST together, by shepherding the juniors to explore the new school environment and accompanying the seniors to encounter every challenge in their school lives. In short, we are going to devote all of our efforts to serving our schoolmates.

In spite of all the unprecedented challenges ahead, we believe that just like the name of our cabinet, Helius, ‘he’ – God will, li – ‘lead’ and ‘inspire’, us – ‘us’. God will lead and inspire us. Together we walk through thick and thin.

‘Serve in the mist, strive to assist’

Students’ Union | Introduction


✨ ☀️ President

5C Cheung King Cheung Banke

✨ ☀️ External Vice President

4A Chiu Wing Tung Emily

✨ ☀️ Internal Vice President

5B Guo Wing Tiffany

✨ ☀️ Secretary

5B Chen Man Yi Michelle

✨ ☀️ Treasurer

5D Chow Yuk Shing Justin

✨ ☀️ Academic Secretary

5B Chan Yik Hon Jason

✨ ☀️ Publicity Secretary

5C Pang Lok Yiu Yoyo

✨ ☀️ Welfare Secretary

5C Fu Ka Yin Irene

✨ ☀️ Recreational Secretary

5B Lai King Wai Karry

✨ ☀️ Sports Secretary

5E Cheng Sze Hon

✨ ☀️ Publication Secretary

5C Chui Tsan Nok Noky


第三十四屆學生會 逸曌Helius

本閣的名字逸yat6 曌jiu3 一詞,指燦爛的光輝。逸曌中的曌,代表我們服務的決心:日月凌空,普照大地。日和月每天交替,從不中斷,象徵我們不分晝夜,時時刻刻都希望服務和守護大家。縱使外在環境動盪不穩,我們依然盼望能透過引領新同學融入曾記精彩絕倫嘅校園生活,並凝聚高年級生攜手跨越生活中所遇得的困難和挑戰,凝聚學校每一位明日之星,一起發光發亮。

本閣的口號 ‘Serve in the mist, strive to assist’ 則表達我們扶持及幫助同學的滿腔熱誠。即使來年「道阻且長」,我們會憑着服務同學的決心,成為同學最佳後援,共渡難關。


學生會 | 成員介紹

✨ ☀️會長:5C 張景翔

✨ ☀️外務副會長:4A 趙泳潼

✨ ☀️內務副會長:5B 郭穎

✨ ☀️文書:5B 陳敏兒

✨ ☀️司庫:5D 周旭城

✨ ☀️學術部部長:5B 陳奕翰

✨ ☀️宣傳部部長:5C 彭樂堯

✨ ☀️福利部部長:5C 符嘉妍

✨ ☀️文康部部長:5B 賴琼慧

✨ ☀️體育部部長:5E鄭司翰

✨ ☀️出版部部長:5C 徐贊諾