• 大哥哥大姐姐計劃領袖訓練營

    A total of 40 Forms 4 to 5 students in the “Big Brothers and Big Sisters” programme organized by the Counselling Committee participated in an adventure training camp at Y.W.C.A. Sydney Leong Holiday Lodge on Lantau Island from 30 September to 1 October. The students sharpened their adaptability, problem-solving, and cooperation skills through a series […]Read More »
  • New Territories East Region Footdrill Competition 2024

    New Territories East Region Footdrill Competition 2024

    Congratulations to the scouts of our school, the 20th Sha Tin West Group, for clinching the title of first runner-up in the New Territories East Region Footdrill Competition 2024.   On 22 September 2024, our scouts, together with alumni, showcased their dedication and skills during the competition. With rigorous training and thorough uniform inspections, they […]
  • HKU MBBS White Coat Ceremony 2024

    HKU MBBS White Coat Ceremony 2024

    HKU MBBS White Coat Ceremony 2024 Congratulations to our four F.6 graduates who embarked on their professional journey as medical students during the White Coat Ceremony at the University of Hong Kong on 28 September, 2024 (Saturday). This year’s medical freshmen include LUO Sui Yan (6C, 23-24), TANG Gaoyu (6C, 23-24), WAN Wai Kin (6E, […]
  • CUHK Chung Chi College X AIA Young Leaders Award 2024-2025

    CUHK Chung Chi College X AIA Young Leaders Award 2024-2025

    CUHK Chung Chi College X AIA Young Leaders Award 2024-2025 Congratulations to WONG Yuen Kei (6E, 23-24) on winning the Young Leaders Award 2024-2025 presented by CUHK Chung Chi College and AIA. This award recognizes her exceptional all-rounded achievements. In addition to the honour, Yuen Kei is awarded a scholarship along with opportunities for job […]
  • CUHK White Coat Inauguration Ceremony

    CUHK White Coat Inauguration Ceremony

    CUHK’s White Coat Inauguration Ceremony for Medical Freshmen 2024 Congratulations to our six F.6 graduates who embarked on their professional journey as medical students during the White Coat Inauguration Ceremony at the Chinese University of Hong Kong on 21 September, 2024 (Saturday). This year’s medical freshmen include CHAN On Ki (6C, 23-24), CHAN Yu Hin […]
  • Dr. Serrini Leung’s ‘Reading with me’ Sharing Session 梁嘉茵博士主講:名人分享會——閱讀真美

    Dr. Serrini Leung’s ‘Reading with me’ Sharing Session 梁嘉茵博士主講:名人分享會——閱讀真美

    本校跨學科閱讀推廣小組主辦的「梁嘉茵博士主講:名人分享會——閱讀真美」已於2024年9月12日圓滿完成。是次分享會反應熱烈,除本校高中同學、老師及校友外,亦有同區六間中學共約150名師生出席。梁博士與同學即場互動分享,交流閱讀經驗,讓一眾參與者獲益良多。 The Reading Across Curriculum (RAC) Promotion Group successfully launched Dr. Serrini Leung’s ‘Reading with me’ Sharing Session on 12 September 2024. It was such a sought-after event with about 150 teachers and students from six secondary schools attending it in addition to the senior form students, teachers and alumni of our school. Our guest […]
  • ECA Promotion Day 2024-2025

    ECA Promotion Day 2024-2025

    In collaboration with the English panel, the ECA Promotion Day was successfully held on September 20, 2024. This year, committee members from over 40 ECA clubs organised 36 game stalls for about 165 F.1 students. Students played games and communicated mainly in English. Over 90% of the F.1 students reflected that the interaction with senior […]
  • The 20th Sha Tin District Outstanding Students Award

    The 20th Sha Tin District Outstanding Students Award

    Congratulations to CHU Siu Fung from 3A (2023-2024) for being awarded the title of the 20th Sha Tin District Outstanding Student (Junior Section) at the Sha Tin District Outstanding Students Election 2024, jointly organized by the Sha Tin Outstanding Students Association and the Shatin Youths Association. We would also like to extend our congratulations to […]
  • Dr. Serrini Leung’s ‘Reading with me’ Sharing Session 梁嘉茵博士「閱讀真美」分享會

    Dr. Serrini Leung’s ‘Reading with me’ Sharing Session 梁嘉茵博士「閱讀真美」分享會

    梁嘉茵博士「閱讀真美」分享會 本校跨學科閱讀推廣小組已邀請流行創作歌手及香港大學文學與文化研究博士——梁嘉茵小姐於2024年9月12日到校跟同學交流閱讀、文學及創作心得。現有小量座位預留給校友出席,如校友感興趣,請填寫以下Google表單。本校會按先到先得原則,預留座位予校友。 Google 表單連結: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfB7x0wIsytN5ALv1NObxdzfYtft9Nxx_5YY4QJnD1I33t5TQ/viewform?usp=pp_url 分享會資料如下: 日期:2024年9月12日(星期四) 時間:下午2:30-3:30 (請於下午2:20前入座) 地點:本校禮堂 主講嘉賓:梁嘉茵博士 講座主題:如何從閱讀找到正能量和快樂 截止報名日期:2024年9月9日(星期一) 中午12:30 由於分享會座位有限,本校將於活動前兩天,以電郵形式通知 閣下報名成功與否。感謝支持! 如有查詢,請與吳詠謠或衛顯鋒老師聯絡 (電話:26975566)。   Dr. Serrini Leung’s ‘Reading with me’ Sharing Session The Reading Across Curriculum (RAC) Promotion Group has successfully invited the renowned singer-songwriter, Dr. Serrini Leung, who obtained her PhD in Literary and Cultural Studies at the University of […]
  • Message from the Principal

    Message from the Principal

    Message from the Principal Under the guidance of our Lord and with the trust of the Incorporated Management Committee (IMC), I am honoured to serve as the sixth principal of Sheng Kung Hui Tsang Shiu Tim Secondary School (SKHTSTSS). First and foremost, my sincerest gratitude should be extended to the previous school supervisors, principals, school […]