On 30th June, the Inter-house Quiz Competition was held. The result is as follows: Champion: Gregariousness (285 points) 1st runner-up: Wisdom (270 points) 2nd runner-up: Perseverance (220 points) 4th place: Health (145 points) Congratulations to Gregariousness on winning the competition. Thank you for your support and participation.
27-31/3 Service Suspension(except recesses)
Owing to the distribution of Anniversary T-shirts, the SU office will be closed from 27/3(Mon) to 31/3(Fri) during lunchtime and after school. We will still provide services during recess(10:20-10:35) during the above-mentioned period. Sorry for any inconvenience caused. 由於需要派發45週年校慶T-shirts,學生會房將在3月27日至3月31日的午膳及放學時段暫停服務,但仍會繼續於小息時段(10:20-10:35)提供服務。如造成任何不便,我們深感抱歉。
45th Anniversary T-shirts
To celebrate the 45th anniversary of our school, designs by 6B Lau Pak Wang Stephen and 5B Leung Yan Tung have been adopted to make the 45th Anniversary T-shirts. You can now order your favourite one(s) and the details are as follows. Colours: Dark Blue or Light Pink (with different designs) Size: XS, S, M, […]
肇華送舊年 New Year Bazaar
On 18th January, the Students’ Union held the event “肇華送舊年 New Year Bazaar” to celebrate the Chinese New Year. “飛花令”, a competition where contestants compete by reciting poetry related to a given theme, was organised. Congratulations to Lau Yiu Kan from 1E on winning the competition. Moreover, different games were conducted and festive snacks were […]
Christmas Soirée
On 22nd December, the Students’ Union held the “Christmas Soirée” to celebrate Christmas. Many thanks to all participants for joining, and performers for giving brilliant performances to make the event a great success.
2022-2023 Elpis 曙曦
第三十六屆學生會 Elpis 曙曦 Elpis,在希臘文中是希望的意思。曙,即是曙光;曦,即是晨曦,兩者均是黑暗中的第一束光,給予人希望。 希望是一種信念,我們會持著這種信念去服務同學,和同學一起在逆境中創造美好的校園回憶。
During the special vacation, a Hong Kong Geography online quiz has gone viral along with different other themes of online quizzes. To test students’ understanding of SKHTST, the Students’ Union has created an online quiz about our school which covers various categories of questions. The quiz has been divided into ten different levels. Plenty of […]
Sing Your Stories Singing Contest
The Students’ Union, Chinese Society, English Society and Putonghua Club jointly held “Sing Your Stories Singing Contest” on 20th December 2021. Students and teachers could enjoy the wonderful singing performances by the talented participants. This also provided a good opportunity to foster bonds between students and teachers!
Christmas eCard Service
To celebrate Christmas, the Student’s Union has designed and uploaded four different beautiful Christmas eCards. Students could download or print out them to send their regards to their friends or teachers.
During the first term examination, the Student’s Union held the activity 心靈加油站. Some heartwarming letters were written respectively to students in different forms. They were put up on a board displayed near the school entrance.