The 33th Students’ Union Pyxis is a constellation in the northern sky, symbolising a mariners’ compass. As the name conveys, we would like to link and enhance the cohesion between the school and our schoolmates, bring hope to them, shepherd them to pick their right paths, and accompany them to reach their life goals. Students’ […]
Vitality Week (08-12/04/2019)
The Students’ Union held an activity called “Vitality Week” from 8th to 12th April 2019.
New Year Bazaar (01/02/2019)
The Students’ Union held the New Year Bazaar on 1st February and it drew to a successful close, with everyone feeling joyful and happy.
All I want for Christmas is UNICEF (20/12/2018)
The Students’ Union held the Christmas Party “All I want for Christmas is UNICEF” on 20th December. Mr. Lai Hiu Yeung, Michael, Dance Club, an alumna and the Singing Contests winners were invited to perform that night. All proceeds have been donated to the charity, UNICEF to support their acts in promoting the rights of […]
Freshmen Go (09/11/2018)
The Students’ Union held the Freshmen Go on 9th November.
2018-2019 Pharos
第三十二屆學生會 Pharos 本內閣的名字“Pharos”,是英語中燈塔的意思。 我們這名字的寓意,在於寄望學生會能像燈塔一樣發光發亮,發揮凝聚同學、連繫學校與同學的作用。 對於低年級的同學,我們希望像矗立在汪洋大海之中的燈塔一樣,引領他們融入曾肇添的環境,建立對學校的歸屬感;對於學校較年長的同學,我們希望能像一盞照亮四方明燈,陪伴他們度過學習生活中的大小挑戰,享受校園生活。 本閣的口號 ‘Light your way, night and day’,意指我們不分晝夜、環境,都始終秉持着燃亮同學前路的目標,期望同學在往後遇到不同挑戰時都能以學生會為其後盾。 Pharos, more usually called lighthouse or beacon, emits light to navigate the ships sailing on the sea. Our name reveals our ultimate goal: brightening and enlightening our fellow schoolmates.
高山低谷宴 於19/1/2018舉行。是次活動邀請了緬甸音樂學校Build A Music School創辦人Angel為我地分享,可讓同學體驗貧富嘅懸殊及惜食的重要性。
原來你是我最想留住的倩影 於2018年2月12日舉行,讓同學在學校拍照留念。是次活動約有100同學参加。
我是明日之Sing 於18/5/2018舉行。