The Students’ Union held the Christmas party「Orbis 聖誕獻光明」on 20th December. We invited the Dance Club,alumni Li Ying Ue and Lau Ying , as well as Heartbeat Station to perform that night. All the profits made have been donated to the social enterprise Orbis to support their acts of charity.
2017-2018 Sidereal
第三十一屆學生會候選內閣 Sidereal Sidereal 源始於 sidereal time, 意思是地球環繞恆星轉動一週的時間,如果有幸當選,我們希望在我們的有限的任期內,圍繞著每位的同學,盡我們所能為同學服務。 而地球不會的停止自傳寓意即使本閣的任期結束,但為同學效力的理念亦會承傳下去。 Instagram: sidereal_skhtst
The second-hand textbook sale will be held on 18/7. Please visit the following link for the book lists and the application forms. Interested students may hand in their application forms to the SU office on 29/6 or 30/6. Update: The rules for buyers and sellers have been uploaded to the drive below. Book list […]
The Students’ Union held the 123肇 photo booth for F.6 students to capture their best moments of laughter and tears in our school.
Dodgeball Competition
The Students’ Union held the dodgeball competition on 13rd January. We have invited an alumni coach from the Hong Kong Dodgeball Association to brief participants on the basic rules of dodgeball. We were all having fun!
The Students’ Union held the detective game ‘兇器留海’ on 18th November. Participants roamed around the campus to obtain clues that would lead them to find out the culprit of a murder case.
The Students’ Union held the Christmas party「明哥暖萬心之魔法奇幻聖誕夜」on 20th December. We invited the Dance Club, Pandora Ho, an alumnus, as well as Eman Lam to perform that night. All the profits made have been donated to the social enterprise 「北河同行」to support their acts of charity in Sham Shui Po.
2016-17 Fawkes
「Fawkes」源自《哈利波特-消失的密室 》電影中一隻鳳凰,Fawkes流下的淚水可以治癒人的傷口,正好與本閣致力以汗水和心血幫助校內每一位同學的理念相符。最後,那鳳凰化為灰燼,新的鳳凰藉此誕生,寓意本閣完成了使命後,為同學效力的精神亦會承傳下來。 The name of our cabinet, Fawkes, originates from the phoenix from the novel Harry Potter. According to the novel, the tears of Fawkes the phoenix can heal wounds. That’s precisely why we call ourselves Fawkes. We serve every one of our schoolmates with blood and tears. The rebirth of Fawkes perfectly signifies that our […]