27-31/3 Service Suspension(except recesses)

Owing to the distribution of Anniversary T-shirts, the SU office will be closed from 27/3(Mon) to 31/3(Fri) during lunchtime and after school. We will still provide services during recess(10:20-10:35) during the above-mentioned period. Sorry for any inconvenience caused. 由於需要派發45週年校慶T-shirts,學生會房將在3月27日至3月31日的午膳及放學時段暫停服務,但仍會繼續於小息時段(10:20-10:35)提供服務。如造成任何不便,我們深感抱歉。

Sing Your Stories Singing Contest

The Students’ Union, Chinese Society, English Society and Putonghua Club jointly held “Sing Your Stories Singing Contest” on 20th December 2021. Students and teachers could enjoy the wonderful singing performances by the talented participants. This also provided a good opportunity to foster bonds between students and teachers!

The Students’ Union and PTA co-organized the second-hand school uniform day

The Students’ Union and the Parent-Teacher Association (PTA) co-organized a second-hand school uniform sale activity, which lasted for two days during 23rd and 24th November 2021. Students were able to purchase second-hand uniforms at a reduced price. The event helps families to save money while being environmental friendly!


The second-hand textbook sale will be held on 18/7. Please visit the following link for the book lists and the application forms. Interested students may hand in their application forms to the SU office on 29/6 or 30/6. Update: The rules for buyers and sellers have been uploaded to the drive below. https://drive.google.com/open?id=0BwINGcZ6ND_5c0ZkOG8zS0pDVTg Book list […]