Message from the Principal

Under the guidance of our Lord and with the trust of the Incorporated Management Committee (IMC), I am honoured to serve as the sixth principal of Sheng Kung Hui Tsang Shiu Tim Secondary School (SKHTSTSS). First and foremost, my sincerest gratitude should be extended to the previous school supervisors, principals, school chaplains and colleagues whose contributions make the school one of the prestigious ones not only in Shatin but also in Hong Kong.  Different alumni have been serving in different sectors to contribute themselves.  The fruits of their labour are not easy to attain and we continue to work for the best to fulfill our mission of providing quality education for students.

In the Book of Proverbs, it says, ‘Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it.’ (Proverbs 22:6) No matter what role(s) we have, we all have obligations to guide our children’s ways. Lifelong learning is a must for everyone. Training up students with correct values is our indispensable mission.   As children are pillars of our society, their exemplary conduct and behaviours do shape others.  We are eager to continue our partnership with the IMC, parents, alumni and external organisations in fostering a supportive, caring and enriching environment for students.

SKHTSTSS is like a garden and every student is a unique seedling. Our partnership with the IMC, parents and alumni helps our students blossom.  Every student has his/her own talents. They should be self-confident and I do believe that they can unleash their potential in academic studies and extra-curricular activities. Upholding optimism and determination to face and overcome challenges is necessary.  Every challenge is an opportunity for us to learn and grow.  SKHTSTSS is your home, where unconditional support is readily available every step of the way.

We should live up to our school motto, ‘Wisdom, Perseverance, Health, Gregariousness’. We, as educators, shoulder our mission to promote moral, intellectual, physical, social, aesthetic and spiritual development based on Christian values and educational focus to our students. I wish everyone a joyful and fruitful year.   Together, we work hand in hand to foster a positive and nurturing environment where every student can thrive.

Ms. Lam Mei Yee, Maggie






箴言說:「教養孩童,使他走當行的路,就是到老他也不偏離。」(箴言 22:6) 在教育的不同崗位中,我們都有責任教導及引領孩子邁向理想的人生道路。我們必須「終身學習」,好好裝備自己,樹立良好的榜樣,協助學生建立正確的價值觀。


