Suggested Learning and Teaching Sequence for the DSE Biology Curriculum




Compulsory Part
I. Cells and Molecules of Life a. Molecules of life
b. Cellular organisation
c. Movement of substances across membrane
III. Organisms and Environment a. Essential life processes in plants
b. Essential life processes in animals
d. Coordination and response
e. Homeostasis
f. Ecosystems


Compulsory Part
I. Cells and Molecules of Life d. Cell cycle and division
e. Cellular energetics
II. Genetics and Evolution a. Basic genetics
b. Molecular genetics
c. Biodiversity and evolution
III. Organisms and Environment c. Reproduction, growth and development
IV. Health and Diseases a. Personal health
b. Diseases
c. Body defence mechanisms
Elective part
V. Human Physiology: Regulation and Control a. Regulation of water content
b. Regulation of body temperature
c. Regulation of gas content in blood
d. Hormonal control of reproductive cycle


Elective part
VIII. Biotechnology a. Techniques in modern biotechnology
b. Applications in biotechnology
e. Bioethics

Time Allocation for the DSE Biology Curriculum

Scientific Investigations

20 hrs

Compulsory Part

180 hrs

I. Cells and Molecules of Life
II. Genetics and Evolution
III. Organisms and Environment
IV. Health and Diseases

(44 hrs)
(38 hrs)
(84 hrs)
(14 hrs)

Elective part

50 hrs

V. Human Physiology
VIII. Biotechnology

(25 hrs)
(25 hrs)


250 hrs


Component Weighting Duration
Public Examination Paper 1 Compulsory part
Section A 18% Multiple-choice questionsSection B 42% Short questions, structured questions and essay
60% 2½ hrs
Paper 2 Elective part

Attempt questions from any two of the four electives

20% 1 hr
School-based Assessment (SBA) Practical related task 20%
School-based Assessment (SBA) Requirements
Minimum number of assessments
Area A – Practical Skills (8%) Area B – investigative study (12%)
S5 1 1
S6 1 1