Introduction to SS Information and Communication Technology (ICT)

Learning Targets of SS ICT

Knowledge and Understanding
• Develop knowledge and understanding of the range and organization of computer systems, and the interrelationships between hardware, software and data; and
• Realize the social, ethical and legal issues pertaining to the use of ICT.

• Use a range of application software effectively, ethically and with discrimination to support information processing and problem-solving; and
• Demonstrate an understanding of methods for analyzing problems, and planning and implementation solutions using ICT.

Values and Attitudes
• Appreciate how information literacy and the sharing of knowledge using ICT influence decision-making and shape our society; and
• Develop responsible and positive attitudes towards the use of ICT.

Post-secondary Pathways of ICT

• Further studies of ICT in tertiary education
• Proficient use of ICT as a tool to support disciplinary learning
• Further studies of ICT to obtain industrial recognition
• Effective use of ICT in the workforce


Curriculum Framework of Senior Secondary ICT (2025 HKDSE onward)

The Compulsory Part (144 hours)
A.  Information Processing (IP)

  1. Introduction to Information Processing
  2. Data Organisation and Data Control
  3. Data Representation
  4. Data Manipulation and Analysis
37 hours
B.  Computer System Fundamentals (CSF)

  1. Basic Machine Organisation
  2. System Software
20 hours
C.  Internet and its Applications (I&A)

  1. Networking and Internet Basics
  2. Internet Services and Applications
  3. Elementary Web Authoring
  4. Threats and Security on the Internet
31 hours
D.  Computational Thinking and Programming (CT&P)

  1. Problem Formulation and Analysis
  2. Algorithm Design
  3. Program Development
  4. Program Testing and Debugging
48 hours
E.  Social Implication (SI)

  1. Technological Innovations
  2. Health and Ethical Issues
  3. Intellectual Property
8 hours


The Elective Part  (Intended modules to be chosen: Modules A and C)   (76 hours) School-based Assessment
*(30 hours)
Module A  Databases

  1. Relational Databases Concepts
  2. SQL
  3. Database Design Methodology
Module B  Web Application Development
Module C  Algorithm and Programming

  1. Programming
  2. Applications of Programming in Real Life

* This is the student-teacher contact hours, not the expected time for completing the SBA coursework project. The chosen module Software Development is designed to provide students with the basic concepts of systems development, and further programming concepts and programming languages, to develop their problem-solving skills through a systematic approach to algorithm design and programming, as well as to improve their logical thinking and critical thinking skills.

Component Weighting Duration
Public examination Paper 1 Compulsory Part

Section A (22%)

  • 40 Multiple choice questions

Section B (33%)

  • A few short questions of 3 to 5 marks each
  • Around 3 structured questions of at least 10 marks each
55% 2 hours
Paper 2 Elective Part

Module A (12.5%): Databases

Module C (12.5%): Algorithm and Programming


25% 1 hour 30 minutes
* School-based assessment 20%

Teaching Sequence and Time Allocation

Curriculum Time Level Compulsory Part Elective Part SBA
105 hours S4 IP (37 hours)

Algorithm and Programming
(76 hours)

CT&P (24 hours)
105 hours S5 CT&P (24 hours) SBA
(30 hours)
CSF (20 hours)
60 hours S6 I&A (31 hours)
SI (8 hours)


IP Information Processing
CSF Computer System Fundamentals
I&A Internet and its Applications
CT&P Computational Thinking and Programming
SI Social Implications
SBA School-based Assessment


Interfacing with the Junior Secondary Curriculum

The school adopts a school-based curriculum in lower form Computer Literacy. The curriculum prepares students to study ICT in their upper forms as well as providing them with taster study of the Compulsory part and the Elective module “Algorithm and Programming”. The table below depicts the related topics.

S1-3 Computer Literacy S4-6 DSE ICT Curriculum
Unit Topics related to
Compulsory part
Video Editing
Graphics handling (S1 till 21/22)
Image Editing (S1 till 21/22)
A Information Processing
– Introduction of Information Processing
– Data Representation
Multimedia Presentation
Text Processing
Database (S2 from 20/21 & 21/22; S3 from 23/24)
Information Processing
– Presentation of Information
– The Use of Office Automation Software
Computer Hardware B Computer System Fundamentals
– Basic Machine Organisation
– System software
Multimedia Presentation
– Information Searching skills
C Internet and its Applications
– Internet services and applications
Creating and interacting with 3D environment with CoSpaces EDU (S1 from 20/21)
Introduction of Artificial Intelligence (S1 from 20/21)
Coding with Single-board computer  (beginner level)
Coding with Single-board computer (advanced level)
Scratch Programming
Mobile Apps Programming (S2 from 22/23; S3 till 22/23)
Raptor Programming (S2 till 21/22)
Pascal Programming (S3 till 20/21)
Python Programming (S2 from 23/24; S3 from 21/22)
D Basic Programming Concepts
Information Literacy
– Copyright
– Privacy
– Internet Security and Threats
E Social Implications
Form Topic related to the Elective part Time allotted
  • Coding with Single-board computer (beginner level)
  • Creating and interacting with VR environment with CoSpaces EDU (S1 from 20/21)
  • Introduction of Artificial Intelligence (S1 from 20/21)
  • Introduction to AR & VR (S1 from 21/22)
  • 5 lessons
  • Approx. 8 lessons
  • Approx. 8 lessons
  • 1 lesson
  • Mobile Apps Programming (S2 from 22/23; S3 till 22/23)
  • Coding with Single-board computer (advanced level)
  • Python Programming (S2 from 23/24; S3 from 21/22)
  • Database fundamentals (S2 in 20/21 & 21/22 only)
  • Whole first term (9 lessons)
  • Second term (approx. 5 lessons)
  • Second term  (approx. 9 lessons)
  • Second term  (approx. 5 lessons)
  • Database fundamentals (S3 from 23/24)
  • Python Programming (S3 from 21/22) replacing Pascal Programming (S3 till 20/21)
  • Whole first term (9 lessons)
  • Whole second term  (14 lessons)