Congratulations to our students who have received local university offers via JUPAS and SNDAS.

# including Bachelor of Science Scheme in Radiography (6 offers), Language Sciences, Translation, in and Speech Therapy (3 offers), Occupational Therapy (2 offers), Physiotherapy (1 offer), Medical Laboratory Science (1 offer), Optometry (1 offer) and Nursing (1 offer)
** including Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Physiothe
rapy (1 offer), Radiation Therapy (1 offer) and Bachelor of Nursing (3 offers)


The JUPAS offers statistics are as follows:

Total number of JUPAS applicants: 124
Number of students with JUPAS / SNDAS offers: 121/124 (97.6%)
Number of applicants with degree programme offers: 121/124 (97.6%)
Number of applicants with offers from HKU, CUHK and HKUST: 72/124 (58.1%)
Number of applicants with offers from the “eight universities”: 103/124 (83.1%)