The Mathematics Book Report Competition for Secondary Schools organized by the Education Bureau

Congratulations to 2A XIE Qi Qian on being awarded the Second Class Prize in the Mathematics Book Report Competition for Secondary Schools (2023/24). The competition, held by the Mathematics Education Section of the Education Bureau, aimed to promote students’ interest in learning Mathematics and developing their generic skills through reading.   2A XIE Qi Qian […]

An Exploration into the Aerospace and Aviation in Zhuhai (珠海航天航空探索之旅)

為慶祝中華人民共和國成立 75周年,教育局於6月25日舉辦「珠海航天航空探索之旅」,通過參訪珠海太空中心,讓初中學生認識國家在航天及航空科技上的發展和成就。本校科學科安排30名中一至中三級學生出席是次交流活動。   同學們於上午參與活動開幕典禮,中國航天科技國際交流中心副主任周岫彬為約550名來自香港的師生主講「航天的發展與故事」,增進同學們的航天知識。下午,同學們在珠海太空中心遊覽,並參與無人機活動、月球車製作工作坊、VR互動裝置「星際騎行」等,透過體驗活動認識太空科技。   詳情亦可參看《大公文匯網》詳細報道:

The Competition on the Mathematics of Information (CMI) 2024

Congratulations to the following STEM Innovators for their remarkable achievements in The Competition on the Mathematics of Information (CMI) 2024 organized by The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK).   CMI is a challenging mathematics competition designed for senior secondary school students. The competition features thought-provoking problems that explore the fascinating intersection of mathematics and informatics. These […]

2024 Harvard Prize Book Winners

Congratulations to Ho Mei Yee (5C), Tsang Sze Hang (5C), and Sum Hiu Lam Natalie (5C) for their nominations as the 2024 Harvard Prize Book Winners, presented by the Harvard Club of Hong Kong! We would also like to extend our heartfelt congratulations to Ho Mei Yee (5C) for being awarded the prestigious 2024 Harvard […]

English Drama Fest 2024

Congratulations to our two English Drama teams on winning three different awards at the EMI English Drama Fest on April 26, 2024 and May 14, 2024.  These competitions were organised by The Association of English Medium Secondary Schools (EMI) with support from the Native-Speaking English Teacher (NET) Section. In the Shakespearean Category, the following students […]

Hong Kong Inter-school Orienteering Championships 2023/24

The Hong Kong Inter-school Orienteering Championships 2023/24 were successfully held in March and May 2024.  Our school’s Orienteering Team achieved excellent results in the competitions.   Hong Kong Inter-school District Orienteering Championships (Middle Distance) 2023/24 (Heat) – Individual Prizes: Boys’ A Grade 4D Ku Hei Kit, 5D Lo Tsz Hin, 5E Siu Yuk Lam Albert, […]

21st Century Cup National English Speaking Competition (NESC) Hong Kong Region Awards Ceremony 2024

Congratulations to HO Mei Yee Ruby (F.5C) for being awarded the Best Manner Speaker in the Senior Secondary Division. Competing in the Senior Secondary Division, Ruby and our other finalist YAU Ronnie (F.4E) were selected among more than 1,000 contestants representing over 200 schools in Hong Kong SAR, starting from the preliminary rounds in all […]

STEM Competition 「2024 STEM遊蹤全能比賽」

Congratulations to CHU Siu Fung (3A), GUO Chin Wang (3B), NG Ka Tsun (3C) and LIEM Wing Ho (3E) for garnering the Champion in the F.3 Team Category of a STEM competition entitled 「2024 STEM遊蹤全能比賽」. The competition, held by the Academy of the Baptist Convention of Hong Kong on 23 March, 2024, aimed to provide […]

Two teams winning at the Time to Talk Public Speaking Competition held by the Education Bureau

Congratulations to our two teams winning trophies at the Time to Talk Public Speaking Competition on May 14, 2024 organised by the Regional NET Coordinating Team (RNCT), Native-speaking English Teacher (NET) Section, Curriculum Development Institute (CDI), Education Bureau. First Prize: The Penguins group (4E) Jaden CHAN, Yuhan GUO, Kingsley KWOK and Jason YEUNG. Merit: Be […]

A resounding victory at the Inter-school Scrabble Competition

Our school’s Scrabble team has achieved an exemplary triumph at the preliminary round of the territory-wide Inter-school Scrabble Competition, organized by the esteemed Hong Kong Scrabble Players Association on 4 May, 2024. This prestigious event, which drew the participation of 14 schools and 70 enthusiastic competitors, stands as one of the most significant Scrabble tournaments […]

ASTAR Scrabble Challenge International

Congratulations to our school’s Scrabble Team, which has achieved outstanding results at the ASTAR Scrabble Challenge International, held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, from 11 to 12 May, 2024. This prestigious event, organized by the University of Malaysia, attracted many skillful Scrabble players across Asia. Guo Chin Wang (3B), Lau Tsz Him (3B) and Liem Wing […]