Congratulations to our Form 4 students, Chan Ho (4C), Tsang Tsz Hin (4B), Lee Wai Hung (4B), Ma Ho Sum (4D) and Lau Tsz Kin (4D), accomplishing with First Class Award of “The 1st Future Engineer Grand Challenge 2019 (Senior Secondary Section)”. They will represent Hong Kong to participate in the National Youth Future Engineer Exhibition cum Competition scheduled to be held in Beijing in May 2019.



“The First Future Engineer Grand Challenge” is organised by the Hong Kong STEM Education Alliance and co-organised by the National Youth Future Engineer Exhibition cum Competition Committee, the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (HKIE), the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) (Hong Kong Section), the Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET) (Hong Kong) and the STEAM Education and Research Centre, Lingnan University. The competition is supported by the Education Bureau. It aims to nurture students’ innovativeness, creativity, collaboration and problem solving skills through designing and making an artefact with the theme of “Smart Citizen”.


「第一屆未來工程師大賽」由香港 STEM 教育聯盟主辦,全國青少年未來工程師博覽與競賽組委會、香港工程師學會、電機暨電子工程師學會(香港分會)、工程及科技學會 香港分會 和 嶺南大學 STEAM 教育及研究中心協 辦,並獲教育局支持。目的是透過設計和創作以「 智慧公民」為題的作品, 培養學生的創新思維、創造力、協作和解難能力 。


勝出的一、二等獎隊伍,將代表香港參加 2019 年 5 月於北京舉行的「全國 青少年未來工程師博覽與競賽」