Joint School Music Competition 2024 Results

Congratulations to our students on winning different awards at the Joint School Music Competition 2024. Photo of the School Orchestra Liu Ming Tak Abraham (2A) got the Gold Award in the piano solo competition.   Teacher Coordinator Ms. Wong Ming Chi   Results Total number of Gold Awards: 4 Total number of Silver Awards: 2 […]

The 20th Hok Yau Club Outstanding Student Leaders Award 2023-2024

Congratulations to LAM Sum Yu (F5A) and WONG Yuk Ka (F5C) on being selected as two of the ‘Top Thirty Outstanding Student Leaders’ by the Hok Yau Club. Among more than 200 applicants, they were shortlisted after demonstrating their outstanding leadership and all-round development throughout the selection process which included a series of programmes such […]

SKHTST Toastmasters Youth Leadership Program: Inter-School Speech Contest 2024

The Inter-School Speech Contest of SKHTST Toastmasters Youth Leadership Program (TYLP) took place on 6 July, 2024 at our Lecture Theatre. There were two events: The Junior Division Prepared Speech and the Senior Division Prepared Speech, both followed by an impromptu question-answer session for each speaker. The themes of the contest were “True happiness comes […]


香港基督教女青年會沙田綜合社會服務處自2001年起舉辦「沙田區中小學聯校領袖培育計劃」,多年來為沙田區培育超過600多位青少年領袖。這個計劃讓沙田區中小學生走出校園,深入認識社區需要,探索不同社會議題;參與同學透過親身經歷和體驗,為社區貢獻所學,並且擔任社區小領袖角色,帶動身邊社群積極關心社會,促進同學的學習和成長。 本學年計劃主題為「關注精神健康‧共建關愛社會」。透過專題研習的形式,提升參加者的領導才能、自信心、以及團隊合作精神,從學生角度關注社會精神健康問題,嘗試尋找新的出路,亦同時培養青少年領袖對此議題的關注。   計劃共有沙田區八間中學和四間小學參與,由學校挑選小五至小六、中二至中三級學生領袖參與。參加學生除出席領袖培訓課程、設計思維工作坊外,亦參與義賣長者愛心券、探訪獨居長者義工服務、精神健康體驗活動、聯校領袖訓練日營、團隊訓練挑戰、策劃與主題相關的社區服務活動等。 聖公會曾肇添同學完成計劃之修業學生領袖: 2B溫俊豪同學(同時獲得最具潛質領袖獎) 3D王遵善同學(同時獲得最具潛質領袖獎) 3E林永濠同學(同時獲得最受歡迎領袖獎)   溫俊豪同學(左二)和王遵善同學(中)獲得最具潛質領袖獎   林永濠同學(左二)獲得最受歡迎領袖獎

Gerontech Coding Design Competition 2024

Huge congratulations to our STEM Innovators , Lo Tsz Hin (5D), Ng Lok Him (5D) and Tong Chun Yin (5E) for winning the Most Popular Award in the Gerontech Coding Design Competition 2024! Their creation ‘HealthTrack Easy’ has been well-received among elderly users and is a testament to their creativity and commitment to making a […]

Hong Kong Physics Olympiad (HKPhO) 2024

Our students participated in the Hong Kong Physics Olympiad (HKPhO) 2024, co-organised by the Hong Kong Academy for Gifted Education (HKAGE), the Education Bureau (EDB) and the Hong Kong University of Science & Technology (HKUST), and achieved outstanding results: School Team Award: Best Schools Award Individual Awards: 4D Li Tang: Third Class Honours 4E Chan […]

76th Hong Kong Schools Music Festival Results

Congratulations to our students on winning different awards at the 76th Hong Kong Schools Music Festival.   Photo of the Mixed Voice Choir   Photo of the Boys Choir   Photo of the Girls Choir   The chairpersons of the Music Club (Choir) received the 2nd Place award.   Teacher Coordinator Ms. Wong Ming Chi […]

The Mathematics Book Report Competition for Secondary Schools organized by the Education Bureau

Congratulations to 2A XIE Qi Qian on being awarded the Second Class Prize in the Mathematics Book Report Competition for Secondary Schools (2023/24). The competition, held by the Mathematics Education Section of the Education Bureau, aimed to promote students’ interest in learning Mathematics and developing their generic skills through reading.   2A XIE Qi Qian […]

The Competition on the Mathematics of Information (CMI) 2024

Congratulations to the following STEM Innovators for their remarkable achievements in The Competition on the Mathematics of Information (CMI) 2024 organized by The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK).   CMI is a challenging mathematics competition designed for senior secondary school students. The competition features thought-provoking problems that explore the fascinating intersection of mathematics and informatics. These […]

2024 Harvard Prize Book Winners

Congratulations to Ho Mei Yee (5C), Tsang Sze Hang (5C), and Sum Hiu Lam Natalie (5C) for their nominations as the 2024 Harvard Prize Book Winners, presented by the Harvard Club of Hong Kong! We would also like to extend our heartfelt congratulations to Ho Mei Yee (5C) for being awarded the prestigious 2024 Harvard […]