AiTLE & Cisco Network Academy co-organized “Cisco Networking Skills Competition (第十六屆港澳青少年網路技能大賽 2020)” on 24 October 2020, which aimed to arouse and enhance students’ interest and knowledge in the following areas:
– HKITJSS (Part of IT Essentials + Part of CCNA1 that related to Secondary Students’ ICT Level)
– Get Connected
– Introduction to CyberSecurity
– Introduction to IoT
– Introduction to Packet Tracer
– Packet Tracer (Practical Part): a powerful network simulation tool for building simple and complex networks across a variety of end-user devices and network connection devices.
4 students participated in the first round competition on 24 October, with 4 of them entering into the final round on 21 November. Congratulations to the following three students on earning their respective awards:
Name of students | Class | Award |
Lian Wai Kai | 5C | Bronze |
Tong Chun Yin | 2C | Bronze |
Lian Wai Kuen | 5C | Bronze |