March 24, 2023 saw the third meeting of SKHTST TYLP (2022-2023) at our school from 4 pm to 6 pm. Our twenty regular TYLP members were joined by 10 primary students from three different primary schools who volunteered enthusiastically in all sections of the meeting and were given souvenirs and certificates at the end of the meeting.

The meeting was honoured to have Mr PC CHAN as the General Evaluator. Mr CHAN is an experienced speaker who conducts speech workshops and has been an adjudicator in speech contests for many years. He gave an interactive Workshop on “Vocal Variety”. Accompanying him was Ms Elizabeth WONG, Senior Curriculum Development Officer (English), Education Bureau. Our former Vice-principal Mrs Anne TAM and Mr Nathan MARTIN were the Prepared Speech Evaluator and the Table Topics (Impromptu speech) Evaluator respectively while English teacher Ms LAM was the Language Evaluator. Participants would increasingly take up more roles as evaluators in subsequent meetings.

As a learning community, participants volunteered or were assigned different roles such as emcee, speakers of prepared or Table Topics (impromptu) speeches, secretaries of evaluators and facilitators (timer and ah-counter).

Margo CHEUNG (F3) and Yuhan GUO (F3) were voted as the Best Prepared Speech Speaker and the Best Table Topics Speaker respectively by all participants. Also, Yuki CHAN (F5) and Yuhan GUO (F3) were voted to give the Best Speech of Prepared Speeches and the Best Speech of Table Topics respectively.

Students interested in joining our TYLP could contact our school for further details.


Group photo

Toastmaster Mr PC CHAN giving an interactive workshop

A primary school student giving a prepared speech

Best Prepared Speech Speaker Margo

Best Prepared Speech Yuki

Best Table Topics Speaker and Best Table Topics Speech Yuhan

The primary school students given certificates

Mrs Tam presenting a thank you card to Mr PC CHAN

(From Left) Mr. LAM (English Teacher), Ms Lam (English Teacher), Mrs Tam (Former Vice Principal), Ms Elizabeth WONG (Senior Curriculum Development Officer, EDB) and Mr Martin (English Teacher)