Vietnam Service and Culture Trip 2024

The Students Counselling Committee organized a service and culture trip to Vietnam. The participating students experienced an engaging educational adventure infused with cultural immersion and community service. From the bustling streets to the historic sites and museums, this journey offered them a rich tapestry of experiences. 1.  Community Service: TST volunteers actively engaged in community […]

Esteemed Pianist Connie Oi-yan Wong Captivated TST Students with Thought-Provoking Messages

Connie Oi-yan Wong, a renowned “three-fingered” pianist, gave a thought-provoking speech to our students during the Gospel Assembly on 4th July, 2024.  Honoured as one of the “Most Successful Women” in 2019 and recognised as one of the “Top Outstanding Young Persons” in 2010, Ms. Wong’s remarkable achievements and personal journey have inspired countless individuals. […]

An Exploration into the Aerospace and Aviation in Zhuhai (珠海航天航空探索之旅)

為慶祝中華人民共和國成立 75周年,教育局於6月25日舉辦「珠海航天航空探索之旅」,通過參訪珠海太空中心,讓初中學生認識國家在航天及航空科技上的發展和成就。本校科學科安排30名中一至中三級學生出席是次交流活動。   同學們於上午參與活動開幕典禮,中國航天科技國際交流中心副主任周岫彬為約550名來自香港的師生主講「航天的發展與故事」,增進同學們的航天知識。下午,同學們在珠海太空中心遊覽,並參與無人機活動、月球車製作工作坊、VR互動裝置「星際騎行」等,透過體驗活動認識太空科技。   詳情亦可參看《大公文匯網》詳細報道:


2024年4月8 日 「中華文化日2024」 師生穿起傳統華服,化身古代書生俠士或俏麗佳人,穿梭於中國古代場景佈置的校園中,以活動及體驗方式,領略中華文化之妙。 當天活動內容多姿多采,包括:清明上河圖古裝話劇、中華常識問答比賽、舞龍表演、各類中華傳統競技攤位 (如蹴鞠、投壺、射藝)、學術文藝攤位或展覽 (如算術、古代科學、建築、宋代詩詞、中國歷史人物、中醫藥、中樂、中國民間故事、中國傳統德育等) 及體驗活動 (如:虛擬實境(VR)導賞體驗及元宇宙旅行團、中國茶藝、中華小吃、剪紙、書法、結繩、糖畫、青花瓷、木偶、印術刷、麵粉公仔、香包製作等),包羅萬有,讓學生走出課室,以輕鬆活潑方式,學習中華文化。

「台灣書店地圖II 之 書寫自然」5天遊學之旅

2024年1月10日至 1月14日 中國語文科、中國文學科 及 圖書館學會  聯合舉辦 「台灣書店地圖II 之 書寫自然」5天遊學之旅 同學走出繁忙的都市,沿着山水之徑,讓台南在足下展開一片人文風光。他們走訪文學館、圖書館及書店,與書結緣。又投進自然的懷抱,呼吸新鮮的空氣,與作家在田野草原間交流閱讀文學作品,在海灘上、夕陽下寫詩。

Parents Talk on “Positive Education: Discovering Hidden Treasures”

The Parent-Teacher Association, together with the Career and Life Planning Committee, co-organized the second session of the Parent Academy, which was successfully completed on 16 March 2024 (Saturday). The theme of this session was “Positive Education: Discovering Hidden Treasures”. We would like to express our gratitude to the speakers from Baptist Oi Kwan Social Service […]

2024 HKDSE Electives Information Day for F.3 Students

125 F.3 parents and all F.3 students attended a Career and Life Planning (CLP) talk on January 20, 2024 (Saturday) at the school hall. Following two talks on subject selection by teachers, six alumni shared their experiences in studying the HKDSE electives. Below is the Rundown on January 20, 2024 Time Program Part I: School-based Arrangements of […]

BETT 2024

Two Form 5 STEM Innovators, Lo Tsz Hin (5D) and Tong Chun Yin (5E) participated in the BETT Show on a study tour to the United Kingdom and France from 20th to 31st January, 2024. In the BETT 2024, our students showcased their innovative healthcare mobile application which utilizes Bluetooth wireless technology to connect with […]

申請中一自行分配學位 [2024年9月入學]/Application for Secondary One Discretionary Places (DP) [September 2024 Admissions]

申請中一自行分配學位 [2024年9月入學] Application for Secondary One Discretionary Places (DP) [September 2024 Admissions] 索取表格 Application Forms 於 2023 年 12 月 5 日 至 2024 年 1 月 16 日 期間辦公時間內往本校詢問處索取申請表格或於本校網頁(下載有關表格。 From 5 December 2023 till 16 January 2024, applicants can download an application form from the school’s website ( or get the form at the […]

HKU MBBS White Coat Ceremony 2023

We extend our heartfelt congratulations to our alumnus, CHONG Ming Ho (6E, 2022-23), for being admitted to HKU’s Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS) programme. In celebration of this remarkable achievement, Vice Principal Mr. LAM Chi Keung attended the White Coat Ceremony on September 9, 2023. The Ceremony holds great significance as it […]

Let’s celebrate the incredible success of our 45th Anniversary Drama “Bliss Simulator” 《幸福模擬戲》

We are thrilled to announce the remarkable success of our 45th anniversary drama, “Bliss Simulator”《幸福模擬戲》, which was staged on 16th July 2023. Under the direction of Ms Lai Yan Chi and our teacher, Mr. Chan Yat Ki, this captivating production showcased the struggles and aspirations of today’s youth. The original script beautifully unfolded the challenges […]