# including Bachelor of Scheme in Physiotherapy (6 offers), Occupational Therapy (2 offers), Radiography (4 offers) and Nursing (2 offers)
** including Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Physiotherapy (1 offer) and Bachelor of Nursing (9 offers)

Total number of F.6 graduates 130
Total number of JUPAS applicants 130
Percentage of applicants with JUPAS / SNDAS degree programme offers 97.7% (127 out of 130)
Percentage of graduates studying JUPAS degree programmes 87.7% (114 out of 130)
Percentage of graduates studying non-local degree programmes 7.7% (10 out of 130)



2022-2023 F.6 Graduates Destinations
(Including accepted JUPAS offers and Non-JUPAS destinations)


Local Studies

23 graduates entered the University of Hong Kong
28 graduates entered the Chinese University of Hong Kong
11 graduates entered the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
24 graduates entered the Hong Kong Polytechnic University
10 graduates entered the City University of Hong Kong
3 graduates entered the Hong Kong Baptist University
1 graduate entered the Lingnan University
3 graduates entered the Education University of Hong Kong
1 graduate entered the Hong Kong Metropolitan University
10 graduates study in degree programmes under the Study Subsidy Scheme for Designated Professions/Sectors
6 graduates study in non-JUPAS sub-degree programmes
120 graduates


Non-Local Studies

10  graduates study in overseas degree programmes, including

⇨          1 graduate entering Peking University

⇨          2 graduates entering the University of Cambridge


Summary of destinations:

Bachelor’s Degree 124/130 (95%)
⇨          UGC/Government-funded 114/130 (88%)
⇨          Overseas 10/130 (07%)
Higher Diploma / Associate Degree 6/130 (05%)