Connie Oi-yan Wong, a renowned “three-fingered” pianist, gave a thought-provoking speech to our students during the Gospel Assembly on 4th July, 2024.  Honoured as one of the “Most Successful Women” in 2019 and recognised as one of the “Top Outstanding Young Persons” in 2010, Ms. Wong’s remarkable achievements and personal journey have inspired countless individuals. Ms. Wong has earned a Bachelor of Arts in Music from the Chinese University of Hong Kong, followed by a Master’s and Doctorate degree in Ethnomusicology from the prestigious University of California, Los Angeles.

Since childhood, her numerous medical surgeries and physical challenges contributed to a negative self-image. Despite the embarrassment and humiliation she experienced, she ultimately realised that her unique hands were not a source of shame, but rather a testament to the divine craftsmanship that had shaped her. Ms. Wong’s inspiring messages resonated deeply with our students, encouraging them to pursue a more profound understanding of their own passion, vision, and mission in their lives.

Ms. Wong’s life example has conveyed the message that even our most daunting obstacles can be transformed into blessings with unwavering faith in God.