The Inter-School Speech Contest of SKHTST Toastmasters Youth Leadership Program (TYLP) took place on August 6, 2022 at our Lecture Theatre. There were seven contestants in the Junior Division (Primary 6 to Form 2) and eight contestants in the Senior Division (Form 3 to Form 5) from six different schools. They were Baptist (Sha Tin Wai) Lui Ming Choi Primary School, La Salle College, Pentecostal Lam Hon Kwong School, SKH Lam Kau Mow Secondary School and TWGHs Li Ka Shing College and our school’s TYLP members.
We were greatly honoured to have Ms Deborah YU, our District 89 Youth Leadership Program Advisor being our Chief Judge in the Contest and to have Mr Sean LIN, a Distinguished Toastmaster and the District 89 Director, being our judge. The other eight judges were Ms Angie PALMER, Ms Anisa TAN, Mr Bharat NANGIA, Mr Frederick POON, Ms Joanne KO, Mr Paul KAM, Mr Pong LEUNG, and Mr Raymond LEUNG.
Our principal Mr Jaxon WANG thanked all judges for their adjudication and most valuable written comments given to all contestants. Our TYLP, in its second year of establishment, was greatly encouraged by the 60 attendees at the Inter-School Speech Contest composed of teachers, parents and students from participating schools as well as our students, English teachers and TYLP members. Attending our Contest were also representatives from our Alumni Association who had given valuable contributions in the DEMO meeting in January 2022.
The winners are:
Junior Division
First Place | Jerry Zhao | La Salle College |
Second Place | Justin Liu | Baptist (Sha Tin Wai) Lui Ming Choi Primary School |
Third Place | Sunny Mak | Pentecostal Lam Hon Kwong School |
Senior Division
First Place | Ricky Zou | TWGHs Li Ka Shing College |
Second Place | Karena Ip | SKH Tsang Shiu Tim Secondary School |
Third Place | Hayley Wong | Pentecostal Lam Hon Kwong School |
The Inter-School Speech Contest is the culmination of our eight online TYLP meetings from February to May 2022. There were 48 members comprising 12 primary 6 students, 22 junior students (Forms 1 to 3) and 14 senior students (Forms 4 to 5) from three primary schools and three secondary schools, ours included. As a learning community, students volunteered for different roles such as MC, speakers of prepared or impromptu speeches, evaluators, secretaries of evaluators and facilitators (timer and ah-counter). Adding to the excitement in each meeting was the Voting for the Best Speakers by all members. Most inspiring were also the workshops given by different Toastmasters International members and their General Evaluation. Our deepest gratitude goes to Mr Bharat NANGIA, Mr Charles LAW, Mr Chih Au, Ms Frida ZHOU, Ms Joy PAMNANI, Ms Kiki CHOW, Mr Raymond CHUNG and Mr Sean LIN for devoting their Friday evenings to have online meetings with us. Special thanks go also to our TYLP alumna and the Program founder Ms Yammy CHEUNG, our retired former Vice Principal Mrs Anne TAM and two current teachers Ms LAM Kit Shan and Ms Carrie WAN serving as Workshop speakers and Language Masters in the meetings.
SKHTST TYLP Inter-School Speech Contest
Our principal Mr WANG and 10 judges
Our Principal WANG thanking Mr LIN and Ms YU
Principal WANG, judges, TST staff and teachers from other schools
Mr LIN & winners (Junior division)
Mr LIN & winners (Senior division)
Ms YU & Contestants of the Junior division (from left to right) Brian CHENG (La Salle College), Eric LIU (SKH Tsang Shiu Tim Secondary School), Sunny MAK (Pentecostal Lam Hon Kwong School), Hayden WU (La Salle College), Ms Deborah YU, Justin LIU (Baptist (STW) Lui Ming Choi Primary School), Abby PANG (SKH Lam Kau Mow Secondary School ) and Jerry ZHAO (La Salle College)
Ms YU & Contestants of the Senior division (from left to right) Maggie CHEN (SKH Tsang Shiu Tim Secondary School), Ricky ZOU (TWGHs Li Ka Shing College), Hugo TAM (SKH Tsang Shiu Tim Secondary School), Adwin LI (Pentecostal Lam Hon Kwong School), Ms Deborah YU, Karena IP (SKH Tsang Shiu Tim Secondary School), Ryan CHAN (SKH Tsang Shiu Tim Secondary School), Hayley WONG (Pentecostal Lam Hon Kwong School) and Tony TSUI (SKH Tsang Shiu Tim Secondary School)
Workshop Givers and General Evaluators in our TYLP meetings from February to May 2022
For other highlights, please click here.