Congratulations to our two teams winning trophies at the Time to Talk Public Speaking Competition on May 14, 2024 organised by the Regional NET Coordinating Team (RNCT), Native-speaking English Teacher (NET) Section, Curriculum Development Institute (CDI), Education Bureau.

First Prize:

The Penguins group (4E)

Jaden CHAN, Yuhan GUO, Kingsley KWOK and Jason YEUNG.


Be Dirt, my friend

Charis CHAN (4E), Tobi LAI (3E), Justin LIU (2B) and Angel NG (1B) 

The participating teams wrote their own scripts, did their PowerPoint slides, rewrote lyrics of designated songs and spoke on LOVE, the theme of the competition.

Thanks to their coaches: our former vice principal Mrs Anne TAM, our current teachers Mr Duncan WAI and Mr Nathan MARTIN for volunteering their time and efforts in coaching.


The two winning teams with Principal Wang at our school assembly


The Penguins group with judges, coach Mrs TAM and the Education Bureau officers


The “Be Dirt, my friend” group with judges


“Penguins” presentation


“Be Dirt, my friend” presentation