2025 – 2026 F.1 Admission Briefing Session 2025 – 2026年度中一入學簡介會

2025 – 2026年度中一入學簡介會 本年度簡介會將於2024年11月30日(星期六)於本校禮堂舉行。閣下如欲了解詳情及 報名參與,請留意本校於2024年10月28日(星期一)在校網發出之通告。 2025 – 2026 F.1 Admission Briefing Session The briefing session is scheduled for 30 November 2024 (Saturday). If you would like to sign up for it, please refer to the notice to be issued on 28 October 2024 (Monday) on our school web.

Dr. Serrini Leung’s ‘Reading with me’ Sharing Session 梁嘉茵博士「閱讀真美」分享會

梁嘉茵博士「閱讀真美」分享會 本校跨學科閱讀推廣小組已邀請流行創作歌手及香港大學文學與文化研究博士——梁嘉茵小姐於2024年9月12日到校跟同學交流閱讀、文學及創作心得。現有小量座位預留給校友出席,如校友感興趣,請填寫以下Google表單。本校會按先到先得原則,預留座位予校友。 Google 表單連結: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfB7x0wIsytN5ALv1NObxdzfYtft9Nxx_5YY4QJnD1I33t5TQ/viewform?usp=pp_url 分享會資料如下: 日期:2024年9月12日(星期四) 時間:下午2:30-3:30 (請於下午2:20前入座) 地點:本校禮堂 主講嘉賓:梁嘉茵博士 講座主題:如何從閱讀找到正能量和快樂 截止報名日期:2024年9月9日(星期一) 中午12:30 由於分享會座位有限,本校將於活動前兩天,以電郵形式通知 閣下報名成功與否。感謝支持! 如有查詢,請與吳詠謠或衛顯鋒老師聯絡 (電話:26975566)。   Dr. Serrini Leung’s ‘Reading with me’ Sharing Session The Reading Across Curriculum (RAC) Promotion Group has successfully invited the renowned singer-songwriter, Dr. Serrini Leung, who obtained her PhD in Literary and Cultural Studies at the University of […]

Message from the Principal

Message from the Principal

Message from the Principal Under the guidance of our Lord and with the trust of the Incorporated Management Committee (IMC), I am honoured to serve as the sixth principal of Sheng Kung Hui Tsang Shiu Tim Secondary School (SKHTSTSS). First and foremost, my sincerest gratitude should be extended to the previous school supervisors, principals, school […]

申請中一自行分配學位 [2024年9月入學]/Application for Secondary One Discretionary Places (DP) [September 2024 Admissions]

申請中一自行分配學位 [2024年9月入學] Application for Secondary One Discretionary Places (DP) [September 2024 Admissions] 索取表格 Application Forms 於 2023 年 12 月 5 日 至 2024 年 1 月 16 日 期間辦公時間內往本校詢問處索取申請表格或於本校網頁(https://www.skhtst.edu.hk)下載有關表格。 From 5 December 2023 till 16 January 2024, applicants can download an application form from the school’s website (https://www.skhtst.edu.hk) or get the form at the […]

SU Inauguration and 45th Anniversary Launch Ceremony.

The inauguration of the Students’ Union (SU) was held on October 14, 2022, with Mr. TSANG Kai Kin Clinton, member of the Tsang family, being the Guest of Honour giving an inspirational address to the students. Following the SU’s inauguration was the 45th Anniversary Launch Ceremony. Officiating guests at the ceremony included the IMC Chairman […]