HKU MBBS White Coat Ceremony 2024

Congratulations to our four F.6 graduates who embarked on their professional journey as medical students during the White Coat Ceremony at the University of Hong Kong on 28 September, 2024 (Saturday). This year’s medical freshmen include LUO Sui Yan (6C, 23-24), TANG Gaoyu (6C, 23-24), WAN Wai Kin (6E, 23-24) and WONG Hau Wai (6E, 23-24). This momentous occasion was attended by Principal LAM Mei Yee Maggie and the graduates’ parents. We wish them all a fulfilling and successful learning journey ahead!

(From left to right) Professor LEUNG Ka Kit Gilberto (Associate Dean, Faculty of Medicine, HKU), WONG Hau Wai, WAN Wai Kin, Principal LAM Mei Yee Maggie, LUO Sui Yan, TANG Gaoyu and Professor LAU Chak Sing Daniel (Dean of Medicine, HKU)

(From left to right) WONG Hau Wai, WAN Wai Kin, Principal LAM Mei Yee Maggie, LUO Sui Yan and TANG Gaoyu