An Exploration into the Aerospace and Aviation in Zhuhai (珠海航天航空探索之旅)

為慶祝中華人民共和國成立 75周年,教育局於6月25日舉辦「珠海航天航空探索之旅」,通過參訪珠海太空中心,讓初中學生認識國家在航天及航空科技上的發展和成就。本校科學科安排30名中一至中三級學生出席是次交流活動。   同學們於上午參與活動開幕典禮,中國航天科技國際交流中心副主任周岫彬為約550名來自香港的師生主講「航天的發展與故事」,增進同學們的航天知識。下午,同學們在珠海太空中心遊覽,並參與無人機活動、月球車製作工作坊、VR互動裝置「星際騎行」等,透過體驗活動認識太空科技。   詳情亦可參看《大公文匯網》詳細報道:

The Competition on the Mathematics of Information (CMI) 2024

Congratulations to the following STEM Innovators for their remarkable achievements in The Competition on the Mathematics of Information (CMI) 2024 organized by The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK).   CMI is a challenging mathematics competition designed for senior secondary school students. The competition features thought-provoking problems that explore the fascinating intersection of mathematics and informatics. These […]

Leadership Camp 2024

95 Form 3 to Form 5 student leaders participated in the Leadership Camp from January 11 to 13, 2024 co-organised by the Extra-curricular Activities Committee and the Student Counselling Committee. The Organising Committee (OC), which consisted of participants from Form 4 and Form 5, organised training programmes and team-building activities for the campers. Group photo […]

House Inauguration Ceremony 2023-2024 and House committee training

The inauguration of the Four Houses was held on October 6, 2023 in the Day 4 Assembly. Principal Wang presented badges to all House committee members, and the House Captains introduced upcoming House activities and inter-house competitions by means of an English drama. House of Wisdom   House of Perseverance   House of Health   […]

PADI® Open Water Diver course 2023-2024

From August to October 2023, 10 Form 4 and Form 5 students from the Coral Nursery Team accomplished the PADI® Open Water Diver course and earned a scuba diving certification. These graduates will participate in the Youth Coral Ambassador Program offered by the Coral Academy of CUHK. In the forthcoming months, they will conduct coral […]

ECA Promotion Day 2023-2024

In collaboration with the English panel, the ECA Promotion Day was successfully held on September 15, 2023. This year, committee members from over 40 ECA clubs organised 36 game stalls for about 160 F.1 students. Students played games and communicated mainly in English. Over 95% of the F.1 students reflected that the interaction with senior […]

Let’s celebrate the incredible success of our 45th Anniversary Drama “Bliss Simulator” 《幸福模擬戲》

We are thrilled to announce the remarkable success of our 45th anniversary drama, “Bliss Simulator”《幸福模擬戲》, which was staged on 16th July 2023. Under the direction of Ms Lai Yan Chi and our teacher, Mr. Chan Yat Ki, this captivating production showcased the struggles and aspirations of today’s youth. The original script beautifully unfolded the challenges […]

Leadership Camp 2023

103 Form 3 to Form 5 student leaders participated in the Leadership Camp from January 5 to 7, 2023 co-organised by the Student Counselling Committee and the Extra-curricular Activities Committee. The Organising Committee (OC), which consisted of participants from different forms, organised training programme and activities for other participants. Group photo at the campsite Organising […]

Form 1 Indoor Rowing and VR Rowing Activity

Over 150 students joined the indoor rowing and VR rowing activity on July 10 and 11, 2023, under the Jockey Club Row for Future Scheme organised by the Hong Kong Award for Young People. Form 1 students of House of Wisdom   Form 1 students of House of Health   Most students challenged themselves in […]

Coral Nursery Programme 2022-2023

12 Form 4 and Form 5 students formed the Coral Nursery Team and joined the Coral Nursery Programme offered by the Coral Academy, the School of Life Sciences, CUHK. They nurtured corals (Platygyra spp., and Porites spp.) provided by the Coral Academy at school.   Team members joined a workshop at the Marine Science Laboratory, […]

Blood Donation Day 2022-2023

38 students from Form 5 and Form 6 expressed their wish to join the Blood Donation Day on September 30, 2022. In the end, 30 of them successfully donated blood for the community under the supervision of medical staff from the Hong Kong Red Cross.   To enhance their knowledge acquired from the curriculum, Form […]