Concord Fortune Ming Tak Scholarship Prize Presentation Ceremony 2022

Our warmest congratulations to LAI Ka Ming (6E, 2021-2022) on being conferred the Concord Fortune Ming Tak Scholarship. Ka Ming, now studying the Global Physician-Leadership Stream at CUHK, was among the ten awardees granted an annual scholarship of HK$30,000 for 4 years.   Vice-principal Ms. WONG Wai Shan, Career Mistress Ms. LAM Kit Shan, together […]

Inter-School Swimming Championships

Our warmest congratulations to our swimming team on their excellent performance in the Inter-School Swimming Championships organised by the Hong Kong School Sports Federation. The swimming team won 6 medals and 1 trophy in the competition 5E CHOI Man Shan won a gold medal in the Boys A Grade 200-metre Individual Medley and a bronze […]

Greater Bay Area STEM / AI Competition 2022

Greater Bay Area STEM / AI Competition 2022 (Hong Kong SKH Secondary Schools)   Congratulations to the Robotics and Engineering Team on being awarded the first runner-up in the Greater Bay Area STEM / AI Competition 2022 (Hong Kong SKH Secondary Schools) organized by the Hong Kong Tech-Inno Association and Ricoh Hong Kong Limited. The […]

SU Inauguration and 45th Anniversary Launch Ceremony.

The inauguration of the Students’ Union (SU) was held on October 14, 2022, with Mr. TSANG Kai Kin Clinton, member of the Tsang family, being the Guest of Honour giving an inspirational address to the students. Following the SU’s inauguration was the 45th Anniversary Launch Ceremony. Officiating guests at the ceremony included the IMC Chairman […]

SKH Tsang Shiu Tim Secondary School 45th Anniversary Celebrations

SKH Tsang Shiu Tim Secondary School 45th Anniversary Celebrations _ To commemorate our school’s 45th Anniversary, an array of celebration activities are to be held throughout the school year.  Do stay tuned to our updates on the school website, Facebook  or Instagram! _ Facebook: 聖公會曾肇添中學45周年校慶 Instagram:skhtst_45th_anniversary _ _ 聖公會曾肇添中學四十五周年校慶活動 _ 為慶祝本校創立四十五周年,本年度將舉辦一連串活動,歡迎各位一同分享喜悅。各位來賓、校友及學生可瀏覽以下網頁連結,獲取更多校慶活動資訊。 _ Facebook:聖公會曾肇添中學45周年校慶 Instagram:skhtst_45th_anniversary _ […]

Hong Kong Award for Young People, the 100th Silver Award Presentation

The 100th Silver Award Presentation was successfully held on 19th September, 2022 (Monday). Chief Secretary for Administration Chan Kwok Ki was the Guest of Honour presenting the Award to the Silver Badge Awardees. Congratulations to 6B (2021-22) Chen Man Yi, Guo Wing Tiffany, Ma Ting Ting; 6C (2021-22) Cheung King Cheung, Chui Tsan Nok, Fu […]

Pan-Pearl River Delta and Chinese Elite Schools Physics Olympiad 2022 (第十八屆 泛珠三角物理奧林匹克競賽暨中華名校邀請賽)

Our warmest congratulations to the following students on their excellent performance in the 18th Pan-Pearl River Delta and Chinese Elite Schools Physics Olympiad (第十八屆泛珠三角物理奧林匹克競賽暨中華名校邀請賽)   物理綜合試 5D 莫晉曦 一等獎 6E 湯梓峰 二等獎   基礎力學試 4E 嚴家盛 三等獎 4D 賀宇傑 三等獎  


恭喜本校中文辯論學會於第十一屆奇趣盃總決賽中榮獲季軍獎項。 本校中文辯論學會於本年四月下旬起,參加由寶血會上智英文書院主辦之第十一屆奇趣盃,與其他來自不同中學的辯論隊伍交流切磋。於經歷五場賽事後,本校辯論隊伍於奇趣盃總決賽中獲季軍成績,實屬可賀。 其中,5A班(2022-23)黎霈淇同學於總決賽中表現非凡,獲該場最佳辯論員之殊榮。 另外,奇趣盃設最有價值辯論員一獎項,以表揚獲得最多最佳辯論員次數之辯員。 本校5B班(2022-23)陳穎詩同學於三場初賽賽事,以及準決賽賽事中均被評判評選為最佳辯論員;由於陳穎詩同學於盃賽中四度被評選為最佳辯論員,故此最終於盃賽中奪得最有價值辯論員之獎項。

Three students awarded finalists’ certificates at the 21st Century Cup (NESC) Hong Kong Region Awards Ceremony

21st August, 2022 witnessed our three students awarded finalists’ certificates at the 21st Century Cup National English Speaking Competition (NESC) Hong Kong Region Awards Ceremony at the Four Seasons Hotel Hong Kong. LAI Ching Yau Kristy (F5C 2021-22), LO Wing Nok Stephany (F5C 2021-22) from the Senior Secondary division and CHEUNG Hon Sum Percy (F2E […]