Nominations & Awards

The Careers Team assists students in applying for scholarships and nominates students for awards.


Our student Chan Kwok Hei (F6B, 2010-11) awarded 6 Outstanding Student Awards


  1. Grantham Scholar of the Year(葛量洪獎學金)

–        24 best students territory wide (including 8 best students in NT)


  1. Hong Kong Outstanding Student Award (香港十大傑出學生)

–        Youtharch 青苗基金主辦

–        Top 10 students territory wide傑出學生獎項_2_2(1)


  1. Outstanding Student Selection (十大傑出學生選舉)

–        Yuen Long Junior Chamber (元朗青年商會)

–        Top 10 students


  1. Shatin Outstanding Student Award (沙田十大傑出學生)

–        Shatin Youths Association   沙田青年協會

–        Top 10 students in Shatin


  1. Roundtable Outstanding Student Election (Roundtable沙田十大傑出學生)

– Roundtable Pioneers – a local think-tank (一個香港政策研究機構及智庫組織)

–        Top 10 students territory wide


  1. 新界區優秀學生

–        新界青年聯會 舉辦

–        新界區十大傑出學生2011

–        新界青年聯會 舉辦

2010-2011 Nominations & Awards
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