Charity Walkathon by Amity Foundation, Hong Kong, “Walk for Living Water” (50 alumni, teachers, former staff, parents and Amity staff and volunteers mentoring 90 student volunteers and 40 student walkers).
愛德基金會:活水行 2012
Amity “Walk for Living Water” March 17, 2012 130 current S1 to S5 students including our Scouts served as volunteers working alongside 50 alumni, parents, retired staff, current staff in Amity’s charity walkathon. 50 current students and 10 alumni participated in the Walk raising
愛德活水行 2011
Alumni, current students, former staff and current teachers joined hands at a fund raising event organized by The Amity Foundation on March 19, 2011. Alumni mentored 20 student helpers at various posts and 17 participants who won the first prize
愛德基金會 25 週年晚餐
Alumni, staff and parents attended the Amity Charity Dinner on June 18, 2010. 26 alumni & current students served as helpers at the dinner. In the past years, the careers team and the Alumni Association Ltd orgenised alumni mentorship for
[singlepic id=509 w= h= float=none] [singlepic id=508 w= h= float=none] 10 student volunteers and 5 alumni mentors served as helper in Amity Chrity Dinner on April 20, 2008. Photos