Some HKU & CU alumni studying medicine talked to the F5 hopefuls about studying medicine in their own universities.
Alumni mentorship for F6

Some HKU & CU alumni studying medicine talked to the F5 hopefuls about studying medicine in their own universities.
Alumni talking to all F5 about “Managing their OLE and Writing up reflections” Our former Chairperson of the Student Union John NG came back in May 2015 with 9 other fellow university undergraduates to give all F5 classes a talk
Chan Tai Lee and some alumni came back to the campus to produce a film. Some S4 &5 mentees workshadowed them. More Photos.
Chris Chow, our F7 graduate in the 1990’s, a graduate of BBA and a master in religious studies, is a mentor of some S4 students on life education & Careers. The 3-hour lunch is an ideal start for profound sharing.
Mentoring on Architecture by alumnus Ron Leun Wai Leung Date:9 May, 2009 Mentees: 7C Kam Yun Wai Eddie, Choi Ka Wing Karen, Ng Yuen Yung Reflections: When I first saw Ron, I saw him as a stylish man wearing
Date: Mar 1, 2009 (Page is under construction) A photo at the APA visit (Mar 1, 2009) led by Raymond Yu and Oscar Liu well attended by 47 mentees.