During a Day 1 Assembly, the Career Team conducted an interactive 45-min workshop with all F5 students with English teachers sitting in at the hall.
F6 NSS Careers Talk “Multiple Pathways” by three Careers Teachers and a QA session well attended by 300 parents and all F6 students.
中四選科講座 (10-11)
At lunch time on May 25, 2011, Careers teachers and a few NSS S5 (2010-11) students talked with around 40 F3 students before their second chance in the Choice of Subjects in F4.
A talk on choice of NSS subjects in S4 was delivered by the Careers Mistress to F3 parents and all F3 students after a talk by the Dean of Studies and Vice Principal on NSS and a briefing on Other Learning
20 F5-7 students attended a Careers Talk by The Association of Hong Kong Professionals on Oct 31, 2010 (Sunday) from 9am to 1pm. The MC happened to be our TST alumni, a professional in finance. Click here to see more
F3 家長及學生升學講座 (09-10)
A talk on Choice of NSS subjects in S4 was delivered by the Careers Mistress to F3 parents and all F3 students after a talk by the Dean of Studies and Vice Principal on NSS and a briefing on Other Learning Experiences (OLE)
新聞系講座 (08-09)
Date: May 15, 2009 Venue: School (Page is under construction) Yip Kwok Ching (third from left), a journalist with many years of experience in local newspapers and the business field, talked to the aspiring mentees on May 15, 2009.
升學及就業講座 (07-08)
Careers Talk by Mr. Tong [singlepic id=507 w= h= float=none] Our former principal Mr Anthony Tong Kai Hong gave a talk to all F6 students on the importance of English in Careers on March 17, 2008. Photos
校友講座 – 心理學 (07-08)
Date: Marth 12, 2008 [singlepic id=502 w= h= float=none] Introduction Photos
反恐講座 (05-06)
Date: 18 May, 2006 [singlepic id=512 w= h= float=none] Photos