Six of our F6 graduates (2017-18) attended the Ceremony with their parents and our principal at the Chinese University of Hong Kong on Sept 15, 2018.
White Coat Inauguration Ceremony for Medical Freshmen 2018

Six of our F6 graduates (2017-18) attended the Ceremony with their parents and our principal at the Chinese University of Hong Kong on Sept 15, 2018.
Congratulations to F5C CHUNG Ka Po, F5D CHAN Wing Sum Venus and F5E LI Chi Fung on being nominated as the winners of the 2018 Harvard Book Prize organized by the Harvard Club of Hong Kong. The Harvard Book Prize
Our alumnus Wong Sui Wa, Ruby (2017-18 F.6A) joined the Decacorn Entrepreneur Bootcamp organized by the University of Hong Kong during the summer. Ruby had outstanding performance during the competition. Congratulations to Ruby and her team winning the overall championship.
As there are 12 students entering Medicine this year (6 to HKU and 6 to CU), the alumni doctors and medical students gave nine freshmen advice at a 3-hour lunch on Aug 11, 2018.
After their DSE examination, our F.6 students sought opportunities to equip themselves for career exposure. Four of them, Fong Davina (6B), Hung Cheuk Yin (6C), Lau Wing Tung (6E) and Ying Hei Wang (6E) joined the work experience arranged by
During the post-exam period in July 2018, 35 F.4 and F.5 students visited the Civil Aviation Department in the airport. Different divisions in the department, career path of the aviation industry and history of the airport were introduced.
Li Yu Cheong Mason (F4E 2017-18) joined the workshops for learning the design software (13/7), operation of the machines for printing the tee (20/7) and the package (27/7) during the summer 2018. The apprenticeship experience was organised by the Printing
F5 English-Career Oscars is a cross-curricular project jointly organized by the Career Team and the English Department. It aimed to enhance students’ knowledge about the attitudes required by different careers and motivate them to be better equipped and to take
Career Teacher Ms WONG Wai Shan together with 22 F.4-F.5 science students pay a visit to a multinational engineering firm AECOM on 29 June, 2018. The visit was initiated by alumnus Paul CHEUNG Ting Kwok, a F.7 Graduate in 2006. Engineers working
In its fourth year of implementation, the F4 IA-Career VISTA Video Mentorship bonded all F4 students with 98 alumni and 37 former and current staff members. Students in groups of five produced a video clip on an issue in a