Acknowledgement is hereby given to Ryan LEE (F5E 2017-18), Student Head of the Career Team, for the compilation of data.

Jupas offers: 143tudents offered

(91.1% of our 157 students were given Jupas offers of which degree programs: 86%; sub-degree programs: 5.1%)

Details below:

JUPAS (Degree accepted)


The University of Hong Kong
Programme code Programme description No. of  students
JS6054 Bachelor of Arts 1
JS6066 Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Education in Language Education – English (double degree) 2
JS6078 Bachelor of Arts in Literary Studies and Bachelor of Laws (double degree) 1
JS6157 Bachelor of Science in Speech and Hearing Sciences 1
JS6717 Bachelor of Social Sciences 2
JS6767 Bachelor of Economics / Bachelor of Economics and Finance 1
JS6781 Bachelor of Business Administration / Bachelor of Business Administration in Accounting and Finance 1
JS6949 Bachelor of Biomedical Sciences 1
JS6963 Bachelor of Engineering 4
Total: 14



The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Programme code Programme description No. of  students
JS4018 Chinese Language and Literature 1
JS4032 English 1
JS4056 History 1
JS4082 Music 1
JS4123 Translation 1
JS4202 Integrated Bachelor of Business Administration Programme 3
JS4214 Global Business Studies 1
JS4226 Hospitality and Real Estate 3
JS4252 Quantitative Finance 2
JS4276 Quantitative Finance and Risk Management Science 1
JS4331 B.A. (Chinese Language Studies) and B.Ed. (Chinese Language Education) 1
JS4401 Engineering 2
JS4501 Medicine (MBChB) Programme 2
JS4502 Medicine (MBChB) Programme Global Physician-Leadership Stream (GPS) 1
JS4513 Nursing 1
JS4537 Public Health 1
JS4601 Science 3
JS4633 Earth System Science (Atmospheric Science / Geophysics) 1
JS4690 Enrichment Stream in Theoretical Physics 1
JS4719 Risk Management Science 1
JS4812 Architectural Studies 3
JS4836 Geography and Resource Management 1
JS4848 Government and Public Administration 1
JS4850 Journalism and Communication 1
JS4862 Psychology 1
JS4874 Social Work 1
JS4903 Bachelor of Laws 1
Total: 38


Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Programme code Programme description No. of  students
JS5100 Science 3
JS5200 Engineering 4
JS5300 Business and Management 2
JS5312 BBA Finance 1
JS5318 BBA Professional Accounting 1
JS5814 BSc Risk Management and Business Intelligence 1
Total: 12


The HK Polytechnic University
Programme code Programme description No. of  students
JS3208 Broad Discipline of Construction & Environment 3
JS3313 Broad Discipline of Engineering 2
JS3337 BSc (Hons) in Mental Health Nursing 1
JS3478 BSc (Hons) in Medical Laboratory Science 1
JS3480 Broad Discipline of Language, Culture & Communication 1
JS3557 BEng (Hons) Scheme in Product and Industrial Engineering 1
JS3600 BSc (Hons) in Biomedical Engineering 2
JS3612 BSc (Hons) in Radiography 1
JS3624 BSc (Hons) in Occupational Therapy 5
JS3636 BSc (Hons) in Physiotherapy 1
JS3648 BSc (Hons) in Nursing 1
JS3703 BEng (Hons) in Electronic & Information Engineering 1
JS3739 BEng (Hons) in Civil Engineering 1
JS3911 BBA (Hons) in Accountancy 1
Total: 22





City University of Hong Kong
Programme code Programme description No. of  students
JS1001 BBA Global Business 1
JS1003 Department of Economics and Finance (Bachelor of Business Administration) 3
JS1005 BBA Management 2
JS1051 School of Energy and Environment (options: BEng Energy Science and Engineering, BEng Environmental Science and Engineering) 1
JS1101 Department of Applied Social Sciences (Bachelor of Social Sciences) 2
JS1204 BSc Computer Science 1
JS1205 Department of Electronic Engineering (options:BEng Computer&Data Engineering, BEng Electronic&Communication Engineering, BEng Information Engineering) 1
JS1206 Department of Mathematics (Bachelor of Science – Computing Mathematics) 1
Total: 13


Hong Kong Baptist University
Programme code Programme description No. of  students
JS2020 Bachelor of Arts 2
Total: 2


  Lingnan University  
Programme code Programme description No. of  students
JS7200 Bachelor of Business Administration (Honours) 1
JS7503 Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Contemporary English Studies 1
Total: 2


  The Education University of Hong Kong  
Programme code Programme description No. of  students
JS8117 Bachelor of Education (Honours) (English Language) – Secondary 1
JS8371 Bachelor of Education (Honours) (Business, Accounting and Financial Studies) 1
JS8813 Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Creative Arts and Culture and Bachelor of Education (Honours) (Visual Arts) Co-terminal Double Degree Programme 1
Total: 3


  The Open University of Hong Kong  
Programme code Programme description No. of  students
JS9011 Bachelor of Arts with Honours in Chinese 1
JS9550 Bachelor of Language Studies with Honours (Applied Chinese Language Studies) 1
Total: 2




Study Subsidy Scheme for Designated Professions/Sectors  
Programme code Programme description No. of  students
JSST01 Offered by TWC: Bachelor of Health Science (Honours) in Nursing 1
JSSU14 Offered by OUHK:  Bachelor of Fine Arts with Honours in Animation and Visual Effects 1
JSSU40 Offered by OUHK: Bachelor of Nursing with Honours in General Health Care 2
Total: 4






JUPAS (Associate Degree/High Diploma accepted)


City University of Hong Kong
Programme code programme description No. of  students
JS1091 Division of Building Science and Technology (options: ASc Building Services Engineering, ASc Construction Engineering and Management, ASc Surveying) 1
JS1903 ASc Architectural Studies 2
Total: 3





Jupas offers accepted (degree + sub-degree): 111 + 3 = 114 students accepted

(72.6% of our 157 students accepted Jupas offers)




2016-2017 大學聯招及非聯招升學統計

(Jupas accepted offers and Non-Jupas destinations)


14 Students entered the University of Hong Kong ( 14 Jupas degrees )
38 Students entered the Chinese University of Hong Kong ( 38 Jupas degrees )
12 Students entered The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology ( 12 Jupas degrees )
22 Students entered The HK Polytechnic University ( 22 Jupas degrees )
15 Students entered City University of Hong Kong (12 Jupas degrees & 3 Jupas sub-degrees)
2 Students entered Hong Kong Baptist University ( 2 Jupas degrees )
2 Student entered Lingnan University ( 2 Jupas degrees )
3 Students entered The Education University of Hong Kong ( 3 Jupas degrees )
2 Students entered The Open University of Hong Kong ( 2 Jupas degrees )
4 Students entered Study Subsidy Scheme for Designated Professions/Sectors (4 Jupas degrees )
1 Student entered The School of Continuing Education, BU (1 non-Jupas degree)
Student entered School of Continuing and Professional Education, CityU (1 non-Jupas degree )
1 Student entered The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts ( 1 non-Jupas degree )
3 Students entered Community College of City University, CityU (3 non-Jupas sub-degrees )
1 Student entered School of Continuing and Professional Studies, CUHK (1 non-Jupas sub- degree )
5 Student entered Hong Kong Community College, PolyU (5 non-Jupas sub-degrees )
8 Students entered HKU SPACE (8 non-Jupas sub-degrees )
1 Students entered the Hong Kong Institute of Vocational Education (1 non-Jupas sub-degree )
1 Students entered Tung Wah College (1 non-Jupas sub-degree )
1 Student entered Heung To College of Professional Studies
12 Students study abroad (2 degrees)
3 Students repeat F.6 (1 student in TST+ 2 student Re-take DSE)
1 Students retake by self-studying
2 Lack of information
157 Total Students


These are the destinations:

Bachelor’s Degree: 127/163 (80.9%)

(UGC/government-funded: 110/157, Self-financed: 4/157, Overseas:13/157)

Sub-degree program(AD/HD):23/157(14.6%)

(UGC/government-funded3/157, self-financed: 20/157, Overseas: 0/157)

Other: 1/157 (0.7%)

Re-sit: 4/157 (2.5%)

Lack of information: 2/157 (1.3%)

2016-2017 F6 Graduates Destinations