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JUPAS (including EAS) offers accepted: 89.7%

Special acknowledgement should be given to 6B (2010-2011) CHIU SUNG KIT and LAW CHUN HO for compiling the information.

JUPAS (Degree)
The University of Hong Kong
課程編號 主修科目Program description
6054 Arts 1
6767 Economics / Economics and Finance 2
6963 Engineering 3
6406 Laws 1
6456 Medicine and Surgery 1
6468 Nursing 1
6494 Pharmacy 1
6810 Social Sciences 4
小計 Total 14
The Chinese University of HK
課程編號 主修科目Program description
4331 BA and BEd (Chinese Language Education) Co-terminal Double Degree Programme 1
4628 Chemistry 2
4422 Computer Science 1
4020 Cultural Studies 1
4824 Economics 1
4355 Education (Liberal Studies) 1
4434 Electronic Engineering 1
4032 English 2
4056 History 1
4226 Hotel and Tourism Management 1
4238 Insurance, Financial and Actuarial Analysis 1
4202 Integrated Bachelor of Business Administration Programme 1
4850 Journalism and Communication 1
4903 Legal Studies 1
4757 Life Sciences 1
4501 Medicine 1
4513 Nursing 3
4707 Physics 1
4240 Professional Accountancy 1
4721 Statistics 1
4123 Translation 1
小計 Total 25
Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
課程編號 主修科目Program description
5701 Business Administration 11
5517 Electronic Engineering 1
5505 Engineering A 1
5555 Engineering B 1
5244 Physics 1
小計 Total 15
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
課程編號 主修科目Program description
3648 BSc (Hons) in Nursing 1
3624 BSc (Hons) in Occupational Therapy 3
3650 BSc (Hons) in Optometry 1
3442 BSc (Hons) in Property Management 1
3868 BSc (Hons) Scheme in Computing 2
小計 Total 8
The Hong Kong Institute of Education
課程編號 主修科目Program description
8222 Education (Honours) (English Language) – Primary 1
8117 Education (Honours) (English Language) – Secondary 1
8246 Education (Honours) (Primary) – Mathematics Major 1
小計 Total 3
Lingnan University
課程編號 主修科目Program description
7307 Business Administration (Honours) 1
小計 Total 1
Hong Kong Baptist University
課程編號 主修科目Program description
2280 BBA (Hons) Concentrations offered: AECON/CBS/FIN/HRM/ISEM/MKT 1
小計 Total 1
City University of Hong Kong
課程編號 主修科目Program description
1418 Laws with Honours 1
小計 Total 1
總計 Overall Total 68
The Chinese University of HK
課程編號 主修科目Program description
4226 Hotel and Tourism Management 1
小計 Total 1
The Hong Kong Institute of Education
課程編號 主修科目Program description
8117 Education (Honours) (English Language) – Secondary 1
小計 Total 1
The University of Hong Kong
主修科目Program description
6729 Bachelor of Science in Actuarial 1
小計 Total 1
The Chinese University of HK
主修科目Program description
4733 Mathematics and Information Engineering 1
4238 IFAA 1
4707 Physics 1
4850 Journalism and Communication 2
小計 Total 5
總計 Overall Total   6
課程編號 主修科目Program description
3181 PolyU HD in Nursing 2
小計 Total   2
總計 Overall Total   2
課程編號 主修科目Program description
3284 PolyU HD in Building Technology & Management (Surveying) 2
3088 PolyU HD in Geomatics 1
3090 PolyU HD in Hotel Management 1
3143 PolyU HD in International Transport Logistics 1
3181 PolyU HD in Nursing 1
小計 Total   6
Non-JUPAS & Others
(for those who rejected JUPAS offers or received no offers)
/ City AD Applied Psychology 1
/ City AD Human Resource Management 1
/ City AD Publication Design 1
/ Hang Seng AD BBA 1
/ HKU SPACE Science 1
/ Poly AD Bilingual 1
/ Poly AD Acct 1
小計 Total   9
Others 其他升學途徑
/ Overseas 3
/ Unknown 1
/ Repeat F7 2
小計 Total   6
總計 Overall Total   15
總人數 Final Total   91
09-10 聯招、非聯招及08-09 EAS升學統計
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