Lafina Chan Sai Yung, a long standing mentor of the Artistic Group, got married in Dec 2009. She designed most things she used in the wedding from clothes to make-up and layout. Take a look at her talent!
建築系講座 (09-10)
On Dec 5, 2009 Mr Luen Wai Leung talked to his F7 mentees about how he started his own architect firm.
藝術學長 (09-10)
Chan Tai Lee and some alumni came back to the campus to produce a film. Some S4 &5 mentees workshadowed them. More Photos.
校友導師消息 (09-10)
商業學長計劃 (09-10)
Chris Chow, our F7 graduate in the 1990’s, a graduate of BBA and a master in religious studies, is a mentor of some S4 students on life education & Careers. The 3-hour lunch is an ideal start for profound sharing.
面試技巧 AO分享 (08-09)
Venue: TST Broadcast Room (Studio) Date: June 13, 2009 (Sat) Time: 10:30 am to 12 noon Chelsea, Wong Wing Chee, an AO, came back to the campus to share “Interviewing Techniques” on June 13, 2009 with mentees composed of alumni
新聞系講座 (08-09)
Date: May 15, 2009 Venue: School (Page is under construction) Yip Kwok Ching (third from left), a journalist with many years of experience in local newspapers and the business field, talked to the aspiring mentees on May 15, 2009.
建築系講座 (08-09)
Mentoring on Architecture by alumnus Ron Leun Wai Leung Date:9 May, 2009 Mentees: 7C Kam Yun Wai Eddie, Choi Ka Wing Karen, Ng Yuen Yung Reflections: When I first saw Ron, I saw him as a stylish man wearing
參觀醫院 (08-09)
First visit Date:March 28, 2009 [singlepic id=501 w= h= float=none] Second visit Date: April 26, 2009 Venue: Pamela Youde Nethersole Eastern Hospital [singlepic id=500 w= h= float=none] Dr Wong Han Qian (second from right) with mentees on April 26, 2009.
Date: Mar 1, 2009 (Page is under construction) A photo at the APA visit (Mar 1, 2009) led by Raymond Yu and Oscar Liu well attended by 47 mentees.