The Reading Buddy Program

Work experience and English acquisition:

a joint venture of Career and English ECA

On June 29, 2015, there was a joint project organized by the Career Team and ECA English Prose Reading Club. Nine S4 students went to a primary school in the neighborhood ELCHK Wo Che Lutheran School to read Big English books to 50 primary 4 & 5 students in small groups.

It was a work experience in which our S4 students acted as tutors having undergone training by our NET Ms Chapman in arousing interest in English acquisition both for the buddies and primary students. Also attending the activity was our Career Teacher Ms Wu. Co-organizing the activity was the English teacher at the primary school: our alumna Caroyln Kwok Ah Lam.

Both our Reading Buddies and the primary students enjoyed the experience immensely.

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Reading Buddy
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