Alumni, staff and parents attended the Amity Charity Dinner on June 18, 2010.
26 alumni & current students served as helpers at the dinner.

In the past years, the careers team and the Alumni Association Ltd orgenised alumni mentorship for current students. Some alumni working as the coordinators at the dinner, mentored our F6 and 7 students in the preparation as well as the actual arrangements of the dinner.

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The Executive Director of Amity, our former principal Mr Tong, speaking to the guests:

愛德基金會 25 週年晚餐_8_tongInvitation letter by Mr Tong (click to view):
(English Version)    (中文版)


 Volunteers receiving certificates:愛德基金會 25 週年晚餐_11_voluncert

Having Fun!

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Volunteers preparing for action:

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Official photos on Amity’s website
Mr Chan Shun Keung’s camera
Mrs Tam’s auto camera
Mr Tong’s photos (photographers James To and Alice Ng)


愛德基金會 25 週年晚餐
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