Congratulations to TSANG Shek Long (F5E) on being selected as one of the 10 students in the HKSAR Outstanding Students Selection organised by the JCI (Junior Chamber International Yuen Long). Shek Long is our Student Union Chairman in 2013-14.
Out of 200 applicants and shortlisted 30 students, Shek Long is selected as the 10 Outstanding Students in the HKSAR.
Shek Long awarded the prize
Our alumni Chris Yeung Chun Kit and John Ng Yeuk Hon are on the organising committee. Co-incidentially, all three of them have been our SU Chairmen.
Shek Long and our former principal Mr Tong serving as the last-round interview adjudicator. Attending the ceremony are also Shek Long’s father, Career Mistress Mrs Tam, Chris and John.
The 27th HKSAR Outstanding Students Selection