Total number of F.6 graduates | 130 |
Total number of JUPAS applicants | 130 |
Percentage of applicants with JUPAS / SNDAS degree programme offers | 97.7% (127 out of 130) |
Percentage of graduates studying JUPAS degree programmes | 87.7% (114 out of 130) |
Percentage of graduates studying non-local degree programmes | 7.7% (10 out of 130) |
2022-2023 F.6 Graduates Destinations
(Including accepted JUPAS offers and Non-JUPAS destinations)
Local Studies
23 | graduates entered the University of Hong Kong |
28 | graduates entered the Chinese University of Hong Kong |
11 | graduates entered the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology |
24 | graduates entered the Hong Kong Polytechnic University |
10 | graduates entered the City University of Hong Kong |
3 | graduates entered the Hong Kong Baptist University |
1 | graduate entered the Lingnan University |
3 | graduates entered the Education University of Hong Kong |
1 | graduate entered the Hong Kong Metropolitan University |
10 | graduates study in degree programmes under the Study Subsidy Scheme for Designated Professions/Sectors |
6 | graduates study in non-JUPAS sub-degree programmes |
120 | graduates |
Non-Local Studies
10 | graduates study in overseas degree programmes, including
Summary of destinations:
Bachelor’s Degree | 124/130 (95%) |
114/130 (88%) |
10/130 (07%) |
Higher Diploma / Associate Degree | 6/130 (05%) |
2022-2023 F.6 Graduates Destinations