Career Day 2023

Career Day 2021-22

Career Day 2018-19

Alumni at Annual Staff Lunch

Alumni Volleyball Matches
Opening of Time Capsule
Opening Ceremony of the 40th Anniversary Celebration Day
Head Table _ current staff
Head Table _ former staff in the 40th Anniversary Heart-to-Heart Alumni Dinner
Head Tables and Mr _ Mrs WONG Cho Lam in the 40th Anniversary Heart-to-Heart Alumni Dinner Rundown

The Alumni Association Assembly 2017-2018

Career Day 2017-2018

Sept 3, 2017 Alumni Manager Election

Annual Staff Lunch

聖公會曾肇添中學校友會群組 SKHTST Alumni Association Group

ARCH Mock Trial 2017
Career Teachers and alumni sharing at a talk “Parents’ roles in Career and Life Planning” for PTA
Alumni Sharing at whole-school Assembly
Careers Day 2016
The Alumni Association Ltd Dinner

AA Ltd 2016-2017 AGM & Executive Committee

Grantham Scholars of the Year Award 2015-2016

ARCH Education: Mock Trial (Mar 19 and 20, 2016)

Amity Walk for the Living Water (Mar 5, 2016)

AA Ltd "Year of the Monkey Outing"

AA Ltd Annual Dinner 2015

Careers Day 2015

Pre DSE Release 27062015 Morn

Therapies Talk (2015)

Alumni mentorship for F6 (2014-15)

Amity Walk 2015

AA dinner (2014-15)

AGM on Sept 27, 2014

AA Ltd Annual Dinner 2014

Careers Day 2014

Career Day (2013-14)

Lunch biding retiring teachers farewell (2013-14)

Amity Walk 2013

Alumni at Annual Staff Lunch July 10 2015

Alumni meeting retired teachers at HSC

First Alumni High Table on Oct 26, 2018



    The Annual General Meeting (“AGM”) of the Alumni Association (“AA”) was held on 21 September, 2024. During the meeting, our outgoing Chairperson, Mr Damon FAN, reported on the affairs of the AA in the past year, and shared the highlightsRead More »
  • SKHTSTAA 2024 AGM cum Alumni Day

    SKHTSTAA 2024 AGM cum Alumni Day

    The 2024 Annual General Meeting cum Alumni Day will take place on 21 September 2024 (Saturday). Members are cordially invited to take part in the exciting events, and reunite with teachers and old classmates! The details of the event areRead More »
  • Principal Wang’s Farewell Dinner

    Principal Wang’s Farewell Dinner

    Having served our school with dedication and excellence for the past 17 years, our beloved Principal Mr. Jaxon Wang is retiring. To express our gratitude and appreciation for his remarkable contributions, the Alumni Association Ltd (AA) held a Farewell dinnerRead More »
  • Alumni attending the F6 Graduation Dinner 2024

    On 27 June 2024, seven alumni attended the F.6 Graduation Dinner at the Marco Polo Hongkong Hotel. Among the attendees were Mrs Anne TAM (former Vice Principal), Mr Damon FAN (AA Chairman), Mr Matthew CHAN (AA Vice-chairman), Mr German CHEUNGRead More »
  • Alumni joining our TYLP visits to Toastmasters Clubs

    Members of our Toastmasters Youth Leadership Program (TYLP) and alumni joined the evening meetings of Dynamic Toastmasters Club in Admiralty and Centraler Toastmasters Club in Central on 18 July and 24 July respectively, watching the working professionals deliver and evaluateRead More »