Poon Yeu, our F6 graduate of 2011-12, has been awarded 15 prizes after graduating from our school. He is now at HKU School of Engineering: Dean’s Honours List
Career Talk, Pre DSE release of results
On June 28, 2014, the Career teachers gave a talk to the F6 students on things to prepare before the release of results. Some alumni who have graduated from tertiary institutes or have articulated to degree programs from their associate programmes came
Amity Walk for living water
Charity Walkathon by Amity Foundation, Hong Kong, “Walk for Living Water” (50 alumni, teachers, former staff, parents and Amity staff and volunteers mentoring 110 student volunteers and 50 student participants before and during the Walk). Walkers: Guests-of-honour: Parents as
Lunch biding retiring teachers farewell
Alumni Association souvenir to Mr Yue: Alumni Association souvenir to Ms Kwok: Mr Yue Chi Fai retiring: Ms Kimberly leaving TST: Ms Kwok Kit Ling retiring: Principals_staff and alumni as teachers or parents: School Supervisor Rev Tsang blessing staff:
Alumni at Sports Day
Dr HUNG Lik Hang, our F7 graduate in 2001, now a doctor in Orthopaedics and Traumatology, was our guest of honor at our Sports Day. On Feb 18, 2014, Lik Hang spoke at the Prize Ceremony about the importance of
4 alumni sharing about university studies
Four alumni speaking to all F5 classes about their university education. After a one-hour sharing, three alumni went to a class to share in English in more details about their studies in an English class. alumna Sharon Tai: alumnus Alexander Kwok: alumna
團年晚宴 – 農家圍村盤菜
蛇年將盡,校友會特舉辦了農家圍村盤菜團年宴。經校友會特別聯系,有五百年曆史之大埔泰亨灰沙圍專為本會炮制具有圍村特色的盤菜宴。灰沙圍保留傳統圍村建筑特色,建有青磚砌成之門樓、圍牆及炮樓; 置身其中品嘗正宗圍村盤菜,別有一番風味;而且更可以和良師好友共聚,真是機會難得。 地點:大埔泰亨灰沙圍 日期:2014年1月10日(星期五) 時間: 7:30pm – 9:30pm 出席者:王校長,Woo sir,劉永老師,陳迅強老師,謝韶安老師,林學齡老師,陳慧詩老師 校友會主席尹世民連同一班委員和跨界別校友慶團年
Careers day 2013
Date: 9th November, 2013 Venue: School Hall and 1/F Classrooms
AA Ltd AGM Dinner
The AA Ltd AGM Dinner was held successfully with around 30 attendees and the AA Ltd Reports passed by the members. Here is the photo showing some attendees.
Reunion of the First batch of graduates
More than 100 alumni & former & current staff attended the Reunion Dinner organised by some of the graduates of the first cohort. Click here for more photos: http://plus.google.com/photos/107411878823667043010/albums/5898977837595604433?authkey=CMbc9N_vv4D0nwE