Chris Chow, our F7 graduate in the 1990’s, a graduate of BBA and a master in religious studies, is a mentor of some S4 students on life education & Careers. The 3-hour lunch is an ideal start for profound sharing.
Business Mentorship – Chris Chow

Chris Chow, our F7 graduate in the 1990’s, a graduate of BBA and a master in religious studies, is a mentor of some S4 students on life education & Careers. The 3-hour lunch is an ideal start for profound sharing.
Venue:TST Broadcast Room (Studio) Date: June 13, 2009 (Sat) Time:10:30 am to 12 noon Chelsea, Wong Wing Chee, an AO, came back to the campus to share “Interviewing Techniques” on June 13, 2009 with mentees composed of alumni and F6
Date:May 15, 2009 Venue:School Yip kwok Ching (third from left), a journalist with many years of experience in local newspapers and the business field, talked to the aspiring mentees on May 15, 2009.