Date: 15th November, 2014 Venue: School Hall and 1/F Classrooms A big thank you to 140 alumni / parent speakers sharing careers insights with 600 F.4-6 students.
Careers day 2013
Date: 9th November, 2013 Venue: School Hall and 1/F Classrooms
Careers Day 2012
Date: 17th November, 2012 Venue: School Hall and 1/F Classrooms A big thank you to 140 alumni / parent speakers sharing careers insights with 600 F.4-6 students.
Careers Day 2011
Date: 5th November, 2011 Venue: School Hall We are much indebted to the 77 alumni and parent speakers who shared their insights in their studies and work with all F4 & 5 students as well as 60 F6 & 7 students and 30 parents.
Careers Day 2010
The Warmest and heartfelt THANK YOU to 70 alumni and parent speakers of different fields participating in the annual Careers Day on Nov 6, 2010 (Saturday) from 3pm to 5pm and shared their life experiences and careers reflections with 500 S4
Careers Day 2009
The Careers Day 2009 was well attended by 70 alumni and parent speakers. They shared their insights in their studies and work with all our S4 and S6 students in small groups. Careers Day 2009 Speakers’ List Organizing Committee Ko Shuk Wa
Careers Day 2008
Careers Day 2008-09 Photos Speakers’ List 08 Careers Day Speakers’ List Field Name Accountancy Leung Cheuk Shing 梁卓誠 Accountancy Chow Siu Kei 周兆基 Accountancy Yu Chun Kit, Raymond 余俊傑 Accountancy 葉思聰 Accountancy Luk Pak Yin 陸柏妍 Accountancy Tse Chi Kit 謝智傑 Accountancy/Auditing Choi Chung Yin 蔡重順