Dr Wong Han Qian and CU medical student Denise Chow conducted mock interviews and hospital visit on July 11, 2010 (Sunday) with some F6 & 7 mentees.
Medical Mentorship

Dr Wong Han Qian and CU medical student Denise Chow conducted mock interviews and hospital visit on July 11, 2010 (Sunday) with some F6 & 7 mentees.
Alumni, staff and parents attended the Amity Charity Dinner on June 18, 2010. 26 alumni & current students served as helpers at the dinner. In the past years, the careers team and the Alumni Association Ltd orgenised alumni mentorship for
Chris Chow, our F7 graduate in the 1990’s, a graduate of BBA and a master in religious studies, is a mentor of some S4 students on life education & Careers. The 3-hour lunch is an ideal start for profound sharing.
A Medical Reunion Dinner initiated by an alumni doctor took place on June 4, 2010. As it was a Friday, most alumni medical personnel had to be on call. It was an enjoyable casual gathering for those able to attend
Dinner of doctors, nurses, medical students and student nurses The first casual get-together organized by Alumni Association Date: 4th June, 2010 (Friday) Time: 7:00pm Venue: Grand Capital Banquet Hall (just next to Shatin Town Hall) Note: 1. Dinner costs will be shared by all participants. 2. There is
Attachments 附件: 2010年乾旱災害救助項目呼籲書 2010年乾旱災害救助項目附件圖片 (明報)港府140萬賑濟內地旱災 Amity “Plant A Tree” Donation Form「種一棵樹」捐款表格
Chan Tai Lee and some alumni came back to the campus to produce a film. Some S4 &5 mentees workshadowed them. More Photos
Every year, the AA Ltd hosts a 30-min whole school assembly about careers and advice to the current students on how they can prepare themselves for the future. This year, there were 2 speakers sharing their insights. Simon Wan Sai
The Careers Day 2009 was well attended by 70 alumni and parent speakers. They shared their insights in their studies and work with all our S4 and S6 students in small groups. Careers Day 2009 Speakers’ List Organizing Committee Ko Shuk Wa