Venue:TST Broadcast Room (Studio) Date: June 13, 2009 (Sat) Time:10:30 am to 12 noon Chelsea, Wong Wing Chee, an AO, came back to the campus to share “Interviewing Techniques” on June 13, 2009 with mentees composed of alumni and F6
Mentorship Scheme (2008-09)
3 groups of mentees with more than 100 in each have registered for the Mentorship Scheme for F4 and F6 students from 2009 to 2011. Alumni mentors are being recruited for a great variety of activities for the mentees. There
Paramedical Alumni Gathering
Mentees of different graduation years, 5 of whom are now housemen at various hosiptals, looking up their mentor Dr Wong Han Qian who continues to be their mentor even after the TST mentorship scheme finished officially 5 years ago.
Hospital Visits
First visit Date:March 28, 2009 Second visit Date: April 26, 2009 Venue: Pamela Youde Nethersole Eastern Hospital Dr Wong Han Qian (second from right) with mentees on April 26, 2009. Third visit Date: May 30, 2009 The Mentorship Scheme has
Alumni at the 27th Speech day on May 23, 2009
Alumni mentors, parents, staff members, guests and F5 & F7 graduates. Some graduates expressed a strong desire to join not just the Alumni Association (AA) Ltd but its Executive Committee too! Look at the next generation of the AA Ltd!
Mentoring on Architecture
Mentoring on Architecture by alumnus Ron Leun Wai Leung Date:9 May, 2009 Mentees: 7C Kam Yun Wai Eddie, Choi Ka Wing Karen, Ng Yuen Yung Reflections: When I first saw Ron, I saw him as a stylish man wearing
2009 Amity Charity Dinner Photos
10 tables of alumni, staff and parents attended the Amity Charity Dinner on May 9, 2009. Brick-Laying Ceremony:Guests united to rebuild Sichuan, symbolically adding bricks to a wall: 25 student volunteers and 9 alumni members served as helpers at the dinner:
2009 Amity Charity Dinner
Dear Friends,Unite to Rebuild Lives in SichuanThe 5.12 Sichuan Earthquake has taken nearly 70,000 lives, with many still missing and presumed killed. Homes for millions have been destroyed and the loss to property is so enormous as to defy accurate estimation. My visits to badly-hit
Alumni Association Ltd Annual Picnic
AA Ltd. Picnic photos 60 alumni, parents and their families, staff members joined the picnic on April 5, 2009. More Photos : AA Picnic Photos taken by ChanSK AA Picnic Photos taken by JamesTo AA Picnic Photos taken by TamLeungYY
Journalist Talk
Date:May 15, 2009 Venue:School Yip kwok Ching (third from left), a journalist with many years of experience in local newspapers and the business field, talked to the aspiring mentees on May 15, 2009.