As one of the first 40th Anniversary celebratory events and an event on a Major Concern in the school, four alumni were invited to speak on the Staff Development Day on September 29, 2017.


In the third year of a Major concern on Career and Life Planning, alumni were invited to share the common work attitudes in the fields they have been working in with all the staff members. Their sharing and forum were well received by the staff.


Deepest gratitude to the four alumni sharing (in their own fields):

Ryan CHAU (Disciplinary force)

Kelvin CHEUNG (Finance)

Spencer LAM (IT)

Jacky YIU (Academic)

Alumnus Ryan CHAU (Disciplinary force)
Alumnus Kelvin CHEUNG (Finance)
Alumnus Spencer LAM (IT)
Alumna Jacky YIU (Academic)
From the left: Spencer LAM, Teacher Mr PUN Kwong Cheung, Jacky YIU, Kelvin CHEUNG, Ryan CHAU, Principal WANG Yu Tai, Vice-principal CHONG Yuk Fan & Vice-principal LAM Chi Keung
Alumni speakers and the Career Team



Alumni sharing on “Work Attitudes” with all staff
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