Working closely with the Alumni Association Ltd., 100 S4 to S5 students, including some uniformed groups, served as receptionists, salesmen and volunteers in a charity walkathon called “Walk for Living Water” organized by the Amity Foundation, Hong Kong, as an apprenticeship experiencesupervised by alumni. Our alumnus Mr NG Yeuk Cheung Nelson mentored students organising five booths in the Amity Walk Booth Competition.

This year, one group of senior students from our Partner School Carmel Pak U Secondary School (CPU) also took part in this competition with four groups of our senior students. CPU students won the prize “Greatest Booth Donation” raised by its booth and one group of our students won “The Best Designed Booth”.

In the same event, 20 S3 to S5 students and 10 parents walked to raise funds for our motherland. Students also learnt to plan for their future careers in different perspectives – not least their community service and global awareness.

Greatest Booth Donation – Mentor Nelson NG & Amity Director & 水之迦
Best Designed Booth – Mentor Nelson NG & Amity Director & 活力行活力組
Mentor Nelson NG & Amity Director  & 水水戰隊
Mentor Nelson NG & Amity Director  & 淼淼
Mentor Nelson NG & Amity Director & Infinity

Ryan LEE, our Head Career Ambassador, received the award for “Long-standing support” in the past years on behalf of our school.

More photos at Amity Facebook Link:

Amity Walk for Living Water 2018
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