SKHTST Toastmasters Youth Leadership Program (SKHTST YLP) Demonstration Recruitment Meeting was held on July 10, 2021 from 10:30 am to 12:15 pm at the Lecture Theatre. The meeting aimed at recruiting members to the Summer Workshop of eight meetings with workshops and evaluation from Toastmasters. The current members took up roles in the Demo meeting as prepared speakers, the emcee, the timer, the ah-counter, the table topics master and speakers.
At the Demo meeting, Joy PAMNANI (Champion of District 89 Table Topics Contest 2020) conducted a Workshop of “Shine on Stage” and Deborah YU, the Youth Leadership Advisor of Toastmasters District 89, was the General Evaluator giving feedback to the whole meeting.
Alumni Hannah TANG, Felix TANG, Carrie WAN and Amy LAM participated in the meeting as speakers and evaluators of students’ speeches while Yammy CHEUNG was the emcee.
Current teacher Ms LAM Kit Shan and retired former Vice Principal Mrs Anne TAM also took up roles as evaluators.
The meeting was well attended by 50 F1 to F5 current SKHTST students and parents and visitors from other schools. Six students in the audience were invited to be Table Topics speakers through a draw of names. At the end of the meeting, 25 SKHTST students and about 15 visitors signed up for the Summer Workshop.
Here are the highlights of the meeting: