On October 6, 2021, our alumnus Mr CHUNG Wai Keung Michael hosted a Documentary Video-making Workshop (輕「形」拍片工作坊) for F.4 students. There were over 50 students who joined the workshop and learned the video-making skills to prepare for the F.4 IA-Career Video Project.

Our deep gratitude to Mr CHUNG for his well-designed content and for giving us four sets of smartphone mounts as supporting tools.

October 6, 2021, Documentary Video-making Workshop (輕「形」拍片工作坊)
Principal Wang presented our souvenir to Mr Michael CHUNG who donated four sets of smartphone mounts to his alma mater.
Mr Michael CHUNG interacted with F4 students
Michael showed his works as examples.
Documentary Video-making Workshop (輕「形」拍片工作坊)