Organized by the Alumni Association (AA), the 2024 “Letter to the Future” event was successfully held on January 15, 2024. In this annual event, F.6 students write a letter to their future selves, which they will receive on the Alumni Day in four years’ time.

We extend our heartfelt appreciation to Mr Damon FAN (Chairperson), Mr Matthew CHAN (Vice-chairperson), alumni Mr Aaron CHAN, Mr Michael CHUNG, Ms Kristy LAI and Mr TONG Wai Pong for volunteering in the event, with special thanks to Mr TONG designing the letter cards. We would also like to thank F.6 class teachers for their assistance.

We hereby wish F.6 students every success in their future endeavours, and we look forward to seeing them on the Alumni Day and going down the memory lane together four years later.

Mr Damon FAN (Chairperson) introducing the AA website
Mr Damon FAN (Chairperson) and Ms HO Wai Yin (AA Chief Advisor) visiting all classes
Ms Phoebe FAN (AA Advisor) and alumni volunteers handling the graduates’ applications for AA membership
Letter to the Future 2024