Four alumni: Ms Ko Suk Wa, Mr Lawrence Leung, Mr Curtis Mak and Mr German Cheung attended the 2016 F6 Graduation Dinner on June 29, 2016. Ms Ko is the Alumni Manager representing the Alumni Association and Mr Leung is
F6 Pre-DSE Talk on 25 June, 2016
S6 students attended a Career talk by Career Teachers on June 25, 2016 at the school hall. Two alumni spoke at the talk about how they articulated to another university for a higher degree. Our alumna Jasper Wong also shared
Grantham Scholars of the Year Award 2015-2016
The “Grantham Scholars of the Year” Award rewards all-rounded students who are of good character with good academic achievement, active in extra-curricular activities and devoted to school and community services. Among the 24 students who receive this Award this year,
Amity Walk for the Living Water 2016 (Mar 5, 2016)
Charity Walkathon by Amity Foundation, Hong Kong, “Walk for Living Water” (50 alumni, teachers, former staff, parents and Amity staff and volunteers mentoring 80 student volunteers and 40 student walkers). The Walk was a Community Service and Career-related experience as the
ARCH Education: Mock Trial (Mar 19 and 20, 2016)
Inter-School Mock Trial in English (organized by ARCH) 14 F4 to F5 students participated in a 3-month Saturday course conducted by an alumna, a barrister, Melinda CHIANG Man Ching, and an alumna Ms CHENG Long Ching a law student, who
AA Ltd “Year of the Monkey Outing”
20 alumni and family members went on an outing to the Golf Club at Kau Sai Chau on Feb 28, 2016 (Sunday). Some alumni walked around the island and some stayed on to play golf after lunch.
聖公會曾肇添中學校友會活動(二月二十八日)SKHTST AA Event on February 28
各位聖公會曾肇添中學校友: 本會將舉辦校友聯誼活動迎接猴年, 於西貢賽馬會滘西洲公共高爾夫球場舉辦午餐聚會及高爾夫球活動。於此誠邀各位校友及家人和朋友參加,並附詳細資料如下: 日期:二零一六年二月二十八日 (星期日) 時間:上午十一時於西貢賽馬會滘西洲公共高爾夫球場碼頭集合(請參看附件一) 地點:西貢賽馬會滘西洲公共高爾夫球場 費用:每人港元$188, 小童3 歲 或 以上 $148 (自助午餐及來回船票)(請參看附件二) 校友可於餐後在球場自由活動,謹附球場設施作為參考。 球場網頁為: 如欲參加,敬請電郵至 <> 報名(請附上姓名、畢業年份及電話號碼)並附上同行人數,截止報名日期為2月14日。多謝支持校友會活動,並祝各位新年快樂! 敬祝 台安 尹世民 聖公會曾肇添中學校友會有限公司主席 Dear SKHTST Alumni, The Alumni Association (AA) Ltd of SKHTST is organizing a reunion event at the
AA Ltd Annual Dinner 2015
AA Dinner 2015 Date: 14th November, 2015 Venue: School Hall The AA Ltd Annual Dinner was well attended by 180 alumni & current and retired staff members on 14th November, 2015. Here are some photos showing some attendees.
Careers Day 2015
Date: 14th November, 2015 Venue: School Hall and 1/F Classrooms A big thank you to 140 alumni / parent / Shatin Church speakers sharing careers insights with 550 F.3-5 students and parents. Over 200 F3 to F5 parents