40th Anniversary Alumni Dinner Payment Process:
1. 填妥報名表,報名電話將用作參考號碼。
Register in Google Form. The phone number used for application will be used as a reference number.
2. 請將款項匯入以下戶口:012-885-0-019037-8(中國銀行戶口,收款人為校友會正副主席Fan Shiu Pong, Wong Yue Hon & Wan Pui Hin)
Please transfer the application fee to the following bank account: 012-885-0-019037-8 (Bank of China account, recipients being the Chairperson and Vice-chairpersons of the Alumni Association, Fan Shiu Pong, Wong Yue Hon & Wan Pui Hin).
3. 將入數紙的照片及報名電話號碼,透過 WhatsApp 傳送至:90353632。(若以大專或大學本科生優惠價報名,請將學生證的照片一併傳送。)
Please send (1) a photo of the transfer notice and (2) the application phone number via WhatsApp to the following phone number: 90353632. (If you are applying as a full-time student studying for a bachelor degree or a sub-degree course, please send a photo of your Student ID card as well.)
4. 你將會經 whatsapp 收到確認短訊。
You will receive a whatsapp confirmation message.
5. 晚宴當日憑參考號碼入座。
Please present your reference number at the entrance of the event.
Alumni are welcome to apply in groups of 12. Group application would enjoy a discounted price of $6000 per table.
40th Anniversary Alumni Dinner Payment Process