“The Apprentice 2018-19” was a programme organised by the Alumni Association Ltd and was led by alumnus Nelson Ng. 15 F.5 students have participated in the programme and have learnt how to run successsful businesses and workshops through different events, such as the Open Day of Renaissance College and the Amity Walk.

The students were divided into three groups, namely Rebounce, Uranus and Best Partner. Throughout the tasks, Rebounce was the winner of the Apprentice 2018-2019.

The Apprentice at the Renaissance College
Group members of Rebounce and participants in RCHK Fair
Group members of Rebounce teaching participants to make art crafts in RCHK Fair

Students from group Best Partner and helpers at Renaissance College

Students from group Best Partner and alumus mentor Nelson Ng

A student from group Uranus is helping children to make the art crafts
A student from group Uranus is teaching children to make the handicrafts
The Apprentice at the Amity Walk

Group Rebounce at Amity Walk
Group members of Best Partner, alumnus mentor Nelson,teacher Ms Kwong and Vice principal Mrs Tam at Amity Walk
A student from group Uranus is introducing the game they designed
The Apprentice at Disneyland

Group members of Rebounce at Disneyland
Group members of Best Partner at Disneyland Hotel
Group members of Uranus posed for a photo at Disneyland
The Apprentice 2018-19
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